[:ro]Catrinu Margareta-Maria[:en]Catrinu Margareta-Maria[:]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
”Dinamica lumii sale metaforice se implineste astfel ca spatiu al initierii fiintei umane in cautarea Sinelui prin refuz al disolutiei,biologicului,accidentalului si clamarea unor trairi adevarate in zona Sacrului sau Creativitatii.Astfel,pas cu pas,asistam prin imagini la dezocultarea universului sau interior in care ardenta credintei crestine este suportul definitoriu al devenirii sale.
In expozitiile cele mai recente (Excelsior si Ipostaze ale sinelui)asistam la o sublimare a vitalului sub imperiul unei geometrizari tainice,regandirea genurilor,insemnele triumfului apar ca anotimpuri sufletesti,iar formele amintesc de un spatiu magnificent, ondulat intersectat,uneori de fractalii ritmice,in care inaltimea-cea a pasarii in zbor-poate fi conceputa ca axis-mundi.
Margareta Catrinune propune si o mitosofie ce acopera in imagine insasi procesul de creatie vizand obarsiile creatiei cosmice si ale germinatiei universale.
De aici rapelul la taria steiului-mineral aliata cu elansarea vegetala a suprafetelor cromatice,moliciunea organica,poezia modularii tusei de culoare…
Asistam la o valoroasa potentare a creativitatii sale de exceptie;valurile cromatice care nu demult intruchipau sesuri ,copaci,case,un obraz de copil,o floare ,devin fluxuri modulate de o vibranta traire,libere,somptuoase,pline de o plenara bucurie de a depasi prin frumusetea asumata greutatile,deznadejdea,moartea.”
Dr.Alexandra Rus
website link: http://www.margareta-catrinu.net/,
Prezentare Demers Artistic
„Thus,the dynamic of her metaphoric word fulfils itself also as space of the human being initiation in the search for itself by the denial of the dissolution,the biologic,the accidental and the assertion of true experiences in the area of the Sacred or Creativity.
Thus,step by step,we witness by images the demystification of her inner universe in which the burning of the Christian belief is the defining support of her becoming.
In the most recent exhibitions(Excelsior and Hypostases of the Ego)we witness a sublimation of the vital under the imperative of a veiled geometry, the rethinking of genres,the signes of the triumph appear as inward seasons,and the forms remind of magnificent space,undulated,intersected,sometimes of rhytmic fractals inwhich the height-that of a flying berd-may be conceived as axis-mundi.
Margareta Catrinu also proposes a mythos which convers in image the creation process itself,aiming at the origins of the cosmic creation and the universal germination.
From here the return to the solidity of the stine allied with the vegetal launching of the chromatic surfaces,the organic softness, the poetry of modulating the touch of color…
We witness a valuable potentiation of her exceptional creativity;the chromaticwaves which not long ago materialized fields,trees,houses,a child’s cheek,a flower,become modulated fluxes of a vibrating experience,free,sumptuous,full of a plenary joy to live,to surpass by the assumed beauty,the herdships,the despair,death.”
Alexandra Rus,Ph.D.
website link: http://www.margareta-catrinu.net/,
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