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UAP | 12/02/2025

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[:ro]Menzolpol Florin[:en]Menzolpol Florin[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Menzolpol Florin
Adresa: Piaţa Dacia bl. 3 A, ap. 21 – Buzău – România
Tel: +40238.414.308

Concert baroc-Baroque concert - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas - 100x100 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Florin Menzopol își construiește propriul univers pictural cu instrumentele și magia unui regizor virtuos și sensibil, atent la această formă de umanitate histrionică, în mijlocul căreia trăim și în care ne manifestăm ca atare, cu sau fără voia noastră! Acest parfum savuros de „scenă vie” conferă compozițiilor picturale ale lui Menzopol un învăluitor aer de caducitate, aidoma prăvăliilor anticariale din orașele de provincie.
Corneliu Antim

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Menzolpol Florin
Adresa: Piaţa Dacia bl. 3 A, ap. 21 – Buzău – România
Tel: +40238.414.308

Concert baroc-Baroque concert - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas - 100x100 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Florin Menzopol builds up his still-lives and his landscapes in the rigorous way in which, centuries ago, still-natures and landscapes were built. Then, over the present structure of the world to be shown, he comes, with his own personal tune. We could say that we know what the name of his paint¬ing is, but, nevertheless, we are subtly revealed a new name too. Florin Menzopol, wants to produce the grations, only that, using a colour and a drawing with impact, he comes with a monumental cry that impresses deeply. After a time, we find out that what is left of his painting in our memory, is the sound of a silky red, of an old velvet green and with them the need to find them again around us. That is, we see the world with the painter’s eyes, which is notable.”

Tudor Octavian, The Contemporary, 7/14 Febr. 1986

The painter Florin Menzopol’s several works, apparently very different between themselves, show once again, after his personal exhibition in Bucharest last year, the strong stylistic nerve and unitary vision of the artist, performing between abstract and figurative, among symbolic, alegoric and simply descriptive, with the same personal, relaxed, chromatic and gestual vividness.

Magda Cîrneci, „Arts” Magazine, nr. 3/1987

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