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UAP | 08/02/2025

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[:ro]Mirescu Tudor[:en]Mirescu Tudor[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Mirescu Tudor
Adresa: Str. Traian, Bloc K2, Nr. 66, Ap. 20, – Constanţa – România
Tel: +40721.777.431

Poarta spre lumea apelor-Gate to water’s world - acrilic-carton - acrilyc-cardboard - 50x70 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Demersul artistic pentru mine, Tudor Mirescu, se desfasoara pe doua cai (planuri) ce uneori se intrepatrund prin subiecte si culori: Design-ul si Pictura.
Totdeauna am avut, deci am si acum, idei avant-gard-iste ce apar intr-un interval de doi pana la sase sau chiar noua ani la nume de prestigiu (international sau national) in domenii precum: Design-ul de Produs, Design-ul Auto, Design-ul de Interior, Graphic Design-ul, Fashion Design-ul si Pictura.
Am aceste doua stele norocoase, care-mi calauzesc pasii spre scopul meu pe plan artistic.
Vreau sa devin celebru in timpul vietii – am in portofolio toate exemplele ce sustin ce am scris mai sus.
Vreau sa insemn ceva pentru semenii mei – cei de acum si cei de maine – prin ideile mele din Design si prin demersul meu cromatic bazat pe cunostinte si spontaneitate, care este aplicata in proportie de 95% in arta mea.

The artstic steps for me – Tudor Mirescu – have these two ways: The Design and The Painting.
I have always had and I’m having this wonderfull, authentic and avant-gard ideeas, which are so ahead of their time, because after 2 to 6 or even 9 years apears to the others Designers in the World (International brands or National brands).
The field for my ideas is:
The Product Design, The Auto Design, The Interior Design, The Graphic Design, The Fashion Design (Industry) and The Painting.
I have these 2 lucky stars which guide my way to acomplish my goal in the arts domain.
I want to become famous during my life time.
In my portofolio I’ve got all the necesary croquis and projects, from my ideas, the old ones and the new ones.
I want that other people (contemporary or not) to realise that I am/was important for my ideas and their way of living, their better lifestyle was improved also by me, in their every day life. From the Painting Perspectives point of view, my artistic steps are guided in cromatic field based on knowledge and spontaneousness.

Tudor Mirescu

website link,


Mirescu Tudor
Adresa: Str. Traian, Bloc K2, Nr. 66, Ap. 20, – Constanţa – România
Tel: +40721.777.431

Poarta spre lumea apelor-Gate to water’s world - acrilic-carton - acrilyc-cardboard - 50x70 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

The artstic steps for me – Tudor Mirescu – have these two ways: The Design and The Painting.
I have always had and I’m having this wonderfull, authentic and avant-gard ideeas, which are so ahead of their time, because after 2 to 6 or even 9 years apears to the others Designers in the World (International brands or National brands).
The field for my ideas is:
The Product Design, The Auto Design, The Interior Design, The Graphic Design, The Fashion Design (Industry) and The Painting.
I have these 2 lucky stars which guide my way to acomplish my goal in the arts domain.
I want to become famous during my life time.
In my portofolio I’ve got all the necesary croquis and projects, from my ideas, the old ones and the new ones.
I want that other people (contemporary or not) to realise that I am/was important for my ideas and their way of living, their better lifestyle was improved also by me, in their every day life. From the Painting Perspectives point of view, my artistic steps are guided in cromatic field based on knowledge and spontaneousness.

Tudor Mirescu

website link,
