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UAP | 18/02/2025

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[:ro]Panaitescu Rodica[:en]Panaitescu Rodica[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Panaitescu Rodica
Adresa: Buzău – România
Tel: +40



Prezentare Demers Artistic

Rodica Panaitescu aduce un plan al aluziilor arhetipale, cu subtilitati de orfevru, in sculpturi de mici dimensiuni. Remarcabile prin capacitatea de a organiza un repertoriu de simboluri cu mijloace expresive austere, bronzurile artistei par sa se revendice din amintirile arhaicului – matrice al culturii mediteraniene, trecute in modernitatea semnului autonom.
Irizarile rezultate din dialogul cu lumina, in contrapunct cu segmentele mate, ornamentate cu emblemele unor posibile ritualuri magice, tind sa reformuleze calitatea ambiantei, spiritualizand-o.
Artista ni se releva ca un atent componist integrat in fluxul tensiunii ce urmareste organizarea si dinamizarea spatiului prin interventia volumului abstract, raportandu-le uneori la suportul unor aluzii provenite dintr-un areal cult
Ar fi interesant de verificat – utopie nascuta din vesnicia sperantei – calitatea monumentala, agorica a semnelor scrise in spatiul generos creat la interferenta dintre afect si cenzura intelectuala.

Virgil Mocanu „Literatorul” nr.40/1995

website link


Panaitescu Rodica
Adresa: Buzău – România
Tel: +40



Prezentare Demers Artistic

Rodica Panaitescu comes up with the plan of a goldsmith’s archetypal and subtle allusions in small sculptures. The artist’s bronze prove to be remarkable by way of ability to organize a repertoire of symbols with expressive austere means, which seem to claim themselves from the archaic memories – matrix of Mediterranean culture, descending to the modernity of the autonomous sign.

The iridescences appeared from the dialogue with the light, in counterpoint with the mat segments, adorned with the emblems of possible magical rituals tend to reformulate the quality of the atmosphere, spiritualizing it.

The artist is revealed to us as a delicate composer integrated in the tautness flow which aims at the organization and activation of the work space, through the interference of the abstract volume, sometimes comparing them with the body of some inkling derived from a religious ambit.

It would be interesting to check – a utopia born from the infinity of hope – the monumental and authoritarian quality of the signs written in the immersive work space created at the interference between affect and intellectual suppression.

Virgil Mocanu „Literatorul” nr.40/1995

website link
