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UAP | 18/02/2025

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[:ro]Popescu Marin[:en]Popescu Marin[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Popescu Marin
Adresa: Str. Eforie nr.4-6, et.8, ap.29 , sector 1 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40722.724.854

Buchet de toamnă-autumn bouquet- ulei-pânză - oil-canvas 120x100 cm.

Buchet de toamnă-ulei-pânză-120×100-cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Pictura lui Marin Popescu seaman cu un poem inchinat naturii, de o larga respiratie intr-un ritm natural ,calm sis educator
Observator atent al succesiunilor temporale, pictorul transpune vibratiile interioare ale unui univers perceptibil intr-un limbaj cromatic de un rafinament indiscutabil folosind armonii de o frumusete cu totul aparte
Identificarea cu subiectul panzelor sale este atat de profunda , incat ar fi nepotrivit sa vorbesti
– in cazut sau – de o sfera tematica in sensul strict al cuvantului.
Totul e in favoarea unei identitati bine definite, pictura lui Marin Popescu devenind nu ,,o copie”, nu ,, o transcriere” a naturii , ci o alta maniera de a fi, o maniera a esentelor si uneori a evanescentelor.
Corneliu Ostahie

website link


Popescu Marin
Adresa: Str. Eforie nr.4-6, et.8, ap.29 , sector 1 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40722.724.854

Buchet de toamnă-autumn bouquet- ulei-pânză - oil-canvas 120x100 cm.

Autumn bouquet-oil-canvas-120×100-cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Marin Popescu’s painting resembles a poem dedicated to nature, of a wide inspiration, realized in a natural, quiet, seducing rhythm. A fine observer of the seasons sequencing, the painter transfers inner vibrations of a perceivable universe into a chromatic language of indisputable refinement, harmonies of a particular beauty being at his grasp.
The identification of the theme with the composition is so profound, that it would be inappropriate to talk – in his case – of a thematic area in the strict sense of the word. Everything is in favor of a well defined identity, Marin Popescu’s painting becoming not a copy or a plagiarism of the nature, but a different way of existence, a manner of finding the essence or even going beyond it.

Corneliu Ostahie

website link
