[:ro]Popescu Șerban[:en]Popescu Șerban[:]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Pentru Serban Popescu, opera de arta este rezultatul unui proces de creatie indelung elaborat, ce rezida din transformarea unor forme naturale aparent banale (pesti, pasari, fructe, ceramica utilitara, etc), intr-un mod echilibrat, armonios si expresiv, in forme cu valoare estetica. Asistam la o ecuatie clara intre relatia natura si imaginea propriei sale sensibilitati estetice. Dominanta cromatica este pentru pictor, un ansamblu bland de griuri, care se deplaseaza mai mult pe orizontala si vertical si mai putin in adancimea tabloului. Serban Popescu nu-si permite inovatii fara acoperire estetica, se tradeaza ca monunetalist atat in planul compozitional, cat si tehnic, lucru de altfel, ce nu-l face mai putin interesant, ci dinpotriva, transmite firesc mesajul sau care este cert o stare – comunicare a universului pictorului.
Ion Pantilie
Exista la Serban Popescu o tensiune intre desenul solid, respectiv
intre constructia logica si severa a tabloului, si evanescenta irizarilor cromatice care amintesc de fluiditatea si rafinamentul lui Bonnard. Asa cum subiectele pictorului iti dau impresia unui citat arheologic nealterat de vreme, imun la oscilatiile stricatoare de echilibru, arta lui Serban Popescu pare, in intregul ei, destinata durabilitatii.
Virgil Poleacu
website link: www.serbanpopescu.com
Prezentare Demers Artistic
For Serban Popescu the artwork is the result of a long drawn process of creation that lies in the transformation of natural forms seemingly trivial (fish, birds, fruits, utilitarian ceramics, etc.) in a balanced, harmonious and expressive aesthetic value. We witness a clear equation relationship between nature and the image of his own sensibilities. The dominant color is for the painter, a set of gentle grays, moving more horizontally and vertically and less in depth of the picture. Serban Popescu does not afford aesthetic innovations without coverage, the plan reveals that monumentalist both compositionally and technically, thing that does not make it less interesting, but to operate indeed naturally and convey his message certainly as a state – a communication of one painter’s universe.
Ion Pantilie
In Serban Popescu’s work, there is a tension between solid design, namely between logic and robust construction painting, but not the less between the evanescence of chromatic iridescent, which remind of the fluidity and the refinement of Bonnard. As painter topics give you the impression of an unaltered archaeological quotation, immune to equilibrium oscillations, Serban Popescu’s art appears in its entirety, dedicated to sustainability.
Virgil Poleacu
website link: www.serbanpopescu.com
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