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UAP | 10/03/2025

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[:ro]Răducan Flora[:en]Răducan Flora[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Flora Raducan
Răducan Flora
Adresa: Spl. Corneliu Coposu Nr.6 Ap.4, Lugoj – România
Tel: +40726.285.802

SUNSET ON THE LAKE SURDUC 2009 oil on canvas 100x200 cm


Prezentare Demers Artistic
Flora Raducan sondeaza o lume ambigua si misterioasa, plasata la limita dintre amorf si forma in plin proces al zamislirii.
In mod evident, Flora Raducan reprezinta, prin insasi submersia ei continua in penumbrele umede ale materiei, universul feminitatii si al regimului sublunar. Dar tocmai aceasta aparenta claritate este si purtatoarea unui spectaculos paradox: prin energia ei irepresibila si prin vointa decisa de a introduce privitorul intr-o lume in plin proces de structurare, Flora Raducan dobindeste atributele unei constiinte fondatoare si virile.
Flora argumenteaza un adevar fundamental: anume acela ca expresia artistica nu este nicidecum simplul reflex al unui narcisism exuberant, ci un comentariu riguros asupra unitatii profunde a lumii si asupra coerentei simbolice a acesteia.
PAVEL SUSARA – critic de arta – “Prometheus Club”, Bucuresti, 2004

website link:,


Flora Raducan
Răducan Flora
Adresa: Spl. Corneliu Coposu Nr.6 Ap.4, Lugoj – România
Tel: +40726.285.802

SUNSET ON THE LAKE SURDUC 2009 oil on canvas 100x200 cm


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Flora Raducan explores an ambiguous and mysterious world, placed on the edge between the amorphous and the form in its full conceiving process.
Obviously, Flora Raducan represents, through her continuous submersion into the damp half-darkness of matter, of the feminine universe and the system beneath the moon. However, this seeming clarity holds a spectacular paradox: through her irrepressible energy and willingness of introducing the onlooker into a full structuring worldly process, Flora Raducan gains the function of a founder and virile conscience.
Flora argues a fundamental truth: that the artistic expression is not the simple reflection of an exuberant narcissism, but a rigorous commentary on the profound unity of the world and its symbolic coherence.
PAVEL SUSARA –art critique –exhibition at the “Prometheus Club”, Bucharest, 2004

website link:,
