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UAP | 06/10/2024

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Nistor Laurențiu

Miniatura textila se reantoarce intr-un format nou. Noul format nu se refera numai la firul textil ci cautam sa adunam laolalta comunitatea de artisti din domeniul artelor decorative care creaza folosind forma in desfasurare a firului atat textil cat si in ceramica ,sticla, metal si tehnica mixta.

Titlul expozitiei ,,CUIBUL”este o sugestie cu multiple interpretari in crearea unei lucrari ingenioase.

Expozitia se va desfasura in parteneriat cu Uniunea Artistilor Plastici din Romania si Muzeul Taranului Roman in perioada de 3 octombie -27 octombrie 2024 in sala Media. Vernisaj 3 octombrie ora !8

Cordonator Proiect

  • Maria Negreanu


  • Daniela Frumuseanu
  • Bogdan Hojbota
  • Alexandra Tecu


  • Critic de arta – Mimi Necula


Tema- libera

Material – la alegere.

Se admit maxim 5 lucrari

Dimensiunea sa nu depaseasca 25 x25 x25 cm

Lucrarile parietale care necesita inramare sa nu depaseasca dimensiunea de 35 x35 cm

Fotografiile lucrarilor trebuie sa fie in format jgp rezolutie 300 dpi si se pot trimit pe sdresa de e-mail pana la data de 15 august 2024 cu mentiune Miniatura in tehnica firului ,,Cuibul”

Imaginile trebuie semnate cu prenumele si numele arttistului, titlul lucrarilor tehnica, dimensiunea, anul realizarii.

Va rugam sa trimiteti o poza dupa fiecare lucrare.

Fisa de insriere cuprinde Prenumele si Numele artistului, adresa de domicilu, adresa de e-mail, numarul de telefon, titlul lucrarii, dimensiunea, tehnica, anul realizarii, pretul optional.

Toata documentatia,pozele si fisa de inscriere cu toate datele vor fi trimise pana pe 15 august pe adresa de e-mail

Rezultatul lucrarilor selectionate va fi anuntat la data de 1 septembrie

Lucrarile selectionate se vor trimite prin curier la adresa: COMBINATUL FONDULUI PLASTIC, str. BAICULESTI, nr. 29, BUCURESTI.

Artistii domiciliati in Bucuresti pot aduce lucrarile direct la sala Media de la muzeul Taranului Roman de pe Soseaua Pavel D. Kiseleff 3 Bucuresti la data de 1 octombrie pana la ora 16.

Costurile de transport tur – retur vor fi suportate de catre artisti.

Coletele trebuie sa fie ambalate in cutii returnabile (nu raspundem de coletele ambalate necorespunzator) cu mentiunea FARA Valoare Comerciala Pentru Uz Educational.

Taxa de participare pentru artistii selectionati este de 150 ron.

Artistii selectionati vor trimite taxa de participare intr-un plic in interiorul coletului alaturi de lucrare si adresa de retur.

Aceasta taxa reprezinta cheltuieli cu realizarea afisului, a catalogului fizic tiparit cu ISBM, publicitate, promovare protocol la vernisaj alte cheltuieli administrative.

Organizatorii au dreptul de a folosii imaginile in vederea promavarii expozitiei fara plata catre autor.

Deciziile comisiei de selectie sunt definitive.

Organizatorii nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru deteriorarea sau pierderea lucrarilor in timpul transportului.

Lucrarile nu pot fi retrase pe perioada desfasurarii expozitiei

Returul lucrarilor se va face de catre organizatori la finalul evenimentului cu plata ramburs la adresa indicata de artist.

Informatii suplimentare la adresa de e mail, tel: 0754023625



The textile miniature returns in a new format. The new format does not only refer to the textile thread, but we seek to gather together the community of artists in the field of decorative arts who create using the unfolding shape of the thread both in textiles and in ceramics, glass, metal and mixed media.

The title of the exhibition „NEST” is a suggestion with multiple interpretations in the creation of an ingenious work.

The exhibition will take place in partnership with the Union of Visual Artists from Romania and the Museum of the Romanian Peasant between October 3 – October 27, 2024 in the Media room. Vernissage October 3 at 8

Project Coordinator

  • Maria negreanu


  • Daniela Frumuseanu
  • Bogdan Hojbota
  • Alexandra Tecu


  • Critic of appearance – Mimi Necula


Theme – free

Material – your choice.

A maximum of 5 works are accepted

The size should not exceed 25 x 25 x 25 cm

Wall works that require framing must not exceed the size of 35 x 35 cm

The photos of the works must be in jgp format, resolution 300 dpi and can be sent to the e-mail address until August 15, 2024 with the mention „Nest” wire technique miniature

The images must be signed with the first and last name of the artist. title of technical works, size, year of completion.

Please send a picture after each work.

The registration form includes the artist’s first and last name, home address, e-mail address, phone number, title of the work, size, technique, year of creation, optional price.

All the documentation, photos and the registration form with all the data will be sent by August 15 to the e-mail address

The result of the selected works will be announced on September 1

The selected works will be sent by courier to the address: COMBINATUL FONDULUI PLASTIC, Str. BAICULESTI, no. 29, BUCHAREST.

Artists residing in Bucharest can bring their works directly to the Media room at the Taranului Roman museum on Soseaua Pavel D. Kiseleff 3 Bucharest on October 1 until 4 p.m.

Round-trip transport costs will be borne by the artists

Parcels must be packed in returnable boxes (we are not responsible for improperly packed parcels) with the mention NO Commercial Value For Educational Use.

The participation fee for the selected artists is 150 RON (aprox. 30 euro).

The selected artists will send the participation fee in an envelope inside the package together with the work and the return address,

This fee represents expenses for the creation of the poster, of the physical catalog printed with ISBM, advertising, promotion protocol at the opening, other administrative expenses.

The organizers have the right to use the images to promote the exhibition without payment to the author.

The decisions of the selection committee are final.

The organizers do not assume responsibility for damage or loss of works during transport.

The works cannot be withdrawn during the exhibition

The return of the works will be done by the organizers at the end of the event with a refund payment to the address indicated by the artist.

Additional information at the e-mail address, tel: +40754023625
