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UAP | 14/02/2025

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[:ro]Berindeiu Iosif[:en]Berindeiu Iosif[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Iosif Berindeiu
Berindeiu Iosif
Adresa: str. Taberei, nr. 2, ap. 48. Cluj Napoca – România
Tel: +40731 324 703; +40744 343 607; +40364 110 313


„Sărutul naiv” 70×70 cm – ulei pe pânză

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Genurile artistice pe care le abordez au derivate dintr-o necesitate, datorita introspectiei personale de a exista pe mai multe planuri – caut sa ma exprim cat mai direct dar cu mijloace plastice cat mai variate. Cred intr-o poetica a culorii, ca intr-o altfel de energie, care transferata pe panza, sporeste si imbogateste lumea vizibila si nu numai. De asemenea, am credinta,ca nu exista limite artistice in modul de exprimare meditativ – personal, ci doar in felul de a te manifesta social si conjunctural. In lumea artistica nu exista specialitati si ‘’specialisti’’, de aceea am evitat intotdeauna aceste intalniri imperative, fiind convins ca arta, este un dar al DUMNEZEIRII, taramul ei infinit, depasind oniricul. Nu caut descrieri, ci ipostaze, nu intamplari, ci momente. Sperintr-o buna zi sa ajung…

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Iosif Berindeiu
Berindeiu Iosif
Adresa: str. Taberei, nr. 2, ap. 48. Cluj Napoca – România
Tel: +40731 324 703; +40744 343 607; +40364 110 313


„The innocent kiss’ 70×70 cm – oil on canvas

Prezentare Demers Artistic

The artistic genres that I focus on derived from a necessity, due to the personal introspection to exist on several levels – I am trying to express myself as direct as possible, but with plastic means as various as possible. I believe in a poetic of colour as a different sort of energy that, transferred on the canvas, increases and embellishes the visible world and more.I also believe that there are no artistic limits in the meditative – personal way of expression, but only in the way that we socially and conventionally manifest ourselves. In the artistic world there are no specialities and no ‘’specialists’’, this is why I have always avoided these imperative meetings, being convinced that the art is a gift of GOD, its endless land over passing the dream. I do not search for descriptions, but only hypostases, no hazards, but only moments. I hope to get to this some day …

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