[:ro]Biro Kalman Eniko[:en]Biro Kalman Eniko[:]
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Prezentare Demers Artistic
*Preocupata in primul rand de tainele existentei umane, am motive si surse preferate care ma insotesc in
munca mea. Desenele copiilor mei, seriile de fotografii cu caracter biografic, arta medieval: iata cateva
din aceste surse. Astfel s-au nascut seriile “Interpretari desene de copii”,”Cartea lui Iona”,”BioGrafie”etc.
Lucrez cu precadere in tehnica ulei sau acrilice pe panza, tehnica mixta si grafica de sevalet.
website link:
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Prezentare Demers Artistic
*I am mostly preoccupied about the mysteries of human existence. Therefore I have some favorite
motifs and sources to which I’m accopanied by during my work. These are for example my children’s
drawings, series of phothographies, Medieval Art… These helped me to produce the series:
“Interpretations of children’s drawings”, “Jonah’s Book”, “Bio-Graphie”…
My working techniques are : oil or acrylic paint on canvas, mixed tehniques and graphics.
website link:
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