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UAP | 04/02/2025

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[:ro]Bunii Alexandru Cristian[:en]Bunii Alexandru Cristian[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Bunii Alexandru Cristian
Bunii Alexandru Cristian
Adresa: Str.Luminii, nr.34, sc.B, ap.8, cod. 300715, Timișoara – România
Tel: +40

Bunii Alexandru Cristian - INEL STEJARUL

Inelul Stejarul – 35x18x8 mm

Prezentare Demers Artistic

website link,,


Bunii Alexandru Cristian
Bunii Alexandru Cristian
Adresa: Str.Luminii, nr.34, sc.B, ap.8, cod. 300715, Timișoara – România
Tel: +40

Bunii Alexandru Cristian - INEL STEJARUL

Oak Ring – 35x18x8 mm

Prezentare Demers Artistic

My interest for jewelry, understood under the completeness of the meanings manifested by form and symbol, has its origin in the artistic experiments and in the ideational searches centered on the direction of revealing a well contoured manner to manifest one’s own sensibility, on the need to define a new type of uniqueness by uniting the ideal of the artistic jewel with the rationality and the geometrical purity of the modern jewel – creation of the houses of jewelry, permanently connected to the objective reality and having the conscience of normality.

Founded on the attempt to valorize the culture and the dimension of the Romanian spirituality and to configure and consolidate a personalized vision on one’s own creation, the personal experiments have been legitimized by the interest of the direct collaborators.

website link,,
