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UAP | 21/01/2025

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[:ro]Carata Grigore[:en]Carata Grigore[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Grigore Carata
Carata Grigore
Adresa: Str. Isaccei no. 29, i7, sc. G, ap.11, Tulcea – România
Tel: +40725 561 980

web: ,

Delta 55 x 55, oil on canvas

„Delta” 55×55 cm. ulei pe pânză

Prezentare Demers Artistic

„…Grigore Carata face parte din tagma artistilor care evolueaza cu dezinvoltura si sinceritate pe taramul unei traditii picturale bine invatate.
Inarmat cu intelepciune, modestie si marinimia parintilor sai, creatia artistului reflecteaza cu optimism aceste mari calitati umane.
Abil desenator, si cu tuse picturale care isi sorb viziunea din inepuizabilul tezaur al post – impresionismului romanesc,Grigore Carata transfigureaza peisajul dobrogean cu nelipsitul habitat prin filtrul sensibilitatii sale…”
Ibrahima Keita, Tulcea 2003

website link: ,


Grigore Carata
Carata Grigore
Adresa: Str. Isaccei no. 29, i7, sc. G, ap.11, Tulcea – România
Tel: +40725 561 980

web: ,

Delta 55 x 55, oil on canvas

„Delta” 55×55 cm. oil on canvas

Prezentare Demers Artistic

“…Grigore Carata belongs to the branch of artists who evolves with offhandedness and sincerity on the domain of a well learned pictorial tradition.
Equipped with wisdom, modesty and his parents magnanimity, the artist’s creation reflects with optimism these grate human qualities. Clever drawer and with pictorial touch lines which sip his vision from the inexhaustible treasure of the Romanian post impressionism, Grigore Carata changes the Dobrogean landscapes with the permanent habitat trough his sensibility’s filter …”
Ibrahima Keita, Tulcea 2003

website link: ,
