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UAP | 10/03/2025

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[:ro]Chifu Panaite[:en]Chifu Panaite[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Chifu Panaite
Adresa: Intr. Mieilor 10, sc. C, Sector 2 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +4021.420.80.01, +40745.709.671

Judecata luminii-Lights judgment - lemn-wood  - 107x100x25 cm


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Daca Dumnezeu ar avea stari de tristete, ar putea sa-si revina prin arta pusa in creatia lumilor Sale, Universului Sau.
Cum El ne-a destinat creatiei artistice, deducem cat de mare este onoarea ce ni s-a facut. Lucrand pentru voi toti, co-planetarieni, avem grija de sufletele voastre cu energia talentului nostru..Cercetati-ne si veti fi recompensati, nu de catre artisti, de catre Dumnezeul Universului.
Noi avem misiunea de a va arata ceea ce voi ati uitat, reancarcandu-va suflele cu frumusetea lumii in care traiti, sau a lumilor in care veti trai. Personal, sunt dedicat, constient, prin fiecare lucrare , numai acestei misiuni, cautand sa-mi folosesc toata masura tremporala alocata.
Cautati-ne !

Panaite Chifu

website link


Chifu Panaite
Adresa: Intr. Mieilor 10, sc. C, Sector 2 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +4021.420.80.01, +40745.709.671

Judecata luminii-Lights judgment - lemn-wood  - 107x100x25 cm


Prezentare Demers Artistic

If God would feel a sadness mood, would come back by the art put in the creation of His worlds, His Universe.
As He destined us for artistic creation we can deduce how big is the honor given to us. Working for you all, co-planetaryans, we take care of your souls with our talent’s energy. Search us and you will be rewarded, not by the artists, by the God of the Universe.
We have the mission of showing you what you forgot, recharging your souls with the beauty of the world where you are living in, or of the worlds where you will live in. Personally, I am dedicated ,consciously, by every work, only to this mission, seeking to use all my allocated temporal size.
Look for us !
Panaite Chifu

website link
