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UAP | 07/02/2025

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[:ro]Dan Aurel[:en]Dan Aurel[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Dan Aurel
Adresa: str.P-ta Libertatii nr.6 – Baia Mare – jud. Maramureş – România
Tel: +40723.153.681

Nuntă în Maramureş -Wedding in Maramureş - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas - 152 x 166 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Aurel Dan, este de fapt expresia propriului sau spaţiu – Maramuresul – străvechi, dens, articulate în toate structurile sale umane, unitare rostogolindu-se asemeni unui singur gând care radiază sferic înspre noi aşa cum fiecare sat ne lasă sentimental unei desăvârşite universitaţi de cunostiinţă naţională, de profundă scriitură etică.
Ion Iuga, Luceafarul

Aurel Dan, is in fact, the expression of his own space – Maramures – ancient, dense, distinct in all its human structures, unitary, uttering itself as a single thought that radiates spherically toward us, just like every village leaves us with the feeling of a complete universally of national consecince, of profund ethic writing.
Ion Iuga, Luceafarul

website link, [:en]

Dan Aurel
Adresa: str.P-ta Libertatii nr.6 – Baia Mare – jud. Maramureş – România
Tel: +40723.153.681

Nuntă în Maramureş -Wedding in Maramureş - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas - 152 x 166 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Aurel Dan, is in fact, the expression of his own space – Maramures – ancient, dense, distinct in all its human structures, unitary, uttering itself as a single thought that radiates spherically toward us, just like every village leaves us with the feeling of a complete universally of national consecince, of profund ethic writing.
Ion Iuga, Luceafarul

website link, [:]