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UAP | 07/02/2025

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[:ro]Crăciun Judit[:en]Crăciun Judit[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Crăciun Judit
Adresa: Str. Victoriei 21, Baia Mare – jud. Maramureş – România
Tel: +40746.923.969
e-mail: judit.craciun

Echilibru I. II - Balance I. II - gresie - stonewar - 26 x 16 x 14 - 27 x 18 x 14 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

„Iudit Craciun expune esantioane, forme, relicve din faianta, depasind pe o parte functionalitatea, pe de alta parte decorativismul si mizand pe calitatile de intersarjabilitate, pe corespondentele de goluri si plinuri, pe un anume „non geometrism”, dar si pe metamorfozele ludice, potentate de glazuri colorate. Aceste piese se transforma pe nesimtite, sub ochii nostri, intr-un fel de „arhitecturi” non functionale, organiciste, dar si minerale. Constructii masive, dar si cu segmente fragile, de o superba, provocatoare inutilitate, odata cu pastrarea calitatilor expresive si tectonice, date de procesul tehnologic al elaborarii lor.”

Gheorghe Vida, Arhitext Design nr 5, mai 1996

website link , [:en]

Crăciun Judit
Adresa: Str. Victoriei 21, Baia Mare – jud. Maramureş – România
Tel: +40746.923.969
e-mail: judit.craciun

Echilibru I. II - Balance I. II - gresie - stonewar - 26 x 16 x 14 - 27 x 18 x 14 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

„Iudit Craciun exhibits samples, shapes and pottery relics, going beyond functionality, on one hand, and the ornamental, on the other hand, while emphasizing the interchangeable features, the correlations betwen empty and full, a certain „non-geometry” as well as the ludic metamorphosis enhanced by colorful glazes. These pieces imperceptibly transform, in front of our eyes, into various non-functional, organic, but also mineral „arhitectural exhibits”. Massive constructions, also consisting of fragile segments, of a superb, provocative inutility, preserve the expressive and tectonic qualities acquired during the technological process of their elaboration”

Gheorghe Vida, Arhitex Design no 5, mai 1996

website link , [:]