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UAP | 18/02/2025

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[:ro]Dragomir Marian Cătălin[:en]Dragomir Marian Cătălin[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Dragomir Marian Cătălin
Dragomir Marian Cătălin
Adresa: Deva – jud. Hunedoara – România
MANTA-dinamică închegată - MANTLE- curdle dynamic - lemn,sticlă - wood, glass - 16x28x35cm
MANTA-dinamică închegată – lemn,sticlă – 16x28x35cm
Prezentare Demers Artistic

Catalin Dragomir este unul dintre tinerii artisti plastici dotati cu un exceptional simt al formelor figurative si abstracte. Absolvent al Academiei de Arte Vizuale „Ioan Andreescu”, Cluj-Napoca sectia sculpura artistul abordeaza monumentalismul, acesta pliinduse caracterului sau nonconformist si expansiv. Se manifesta ca un artist complex abordand o gama variata stilistic, de la un dinamism clasic in ansambele monumentale integrate tesutului urban sau amenajarii spatiilor publice la o sinteza de elemente figurative si conceptuale intesate de dinamimism si spontaneitate in restul lucrarilor.
Lucreaza deopotriva in metal, lemn, sticla in tehnici mixte reducand forma la esential. Lucrarile sale sunt jocuri de masivitate si dozaj rational al volumelor care in dinamica lor se rup, se intercaleza plutesc dand nastere la armonii neasteptate. Masivitatea ansambelor sunt manevrate tehnic prin precizia taieturilor in suprafete perfect slefuite sau dinpotriva forme brute, neprelucrate accidentate sau incizate voit. Aceasta alternanta materiala da nastere la un ritm alert de lumina si umbra dublate de convexitati si concavitati formale. Simplificarea brancusiana a formei in contururi elementare ne introduce intr-o lume a ambiguitatilor spatiale care deschid forma catre saptiu. Plinul si golul se interpenetreaza pentru a sugera miscarea si produce efecte senzoriale. Aceste trasaturi generalizante ale formelor cat si folosirea elementelor figurative esentializate sau sintetice corespund intr-u totul logicii abstractionismului.
Din punct de vedere tematic artistul ne introduce intr-o lume a formelor arhetipale si biomorfice menite sa creeze o legatura intre creatia sa si lumea naturala. Sculptura lui Catalin Dragomir sta sub semnul sintaxei metamorfice realizat intr-o maniera proprie cu ingeniozitate si profesionalism.

Cătălin Dragomir represents one of the young visual artists, posessing an amazing sense of figurative and abstract forms. The artist – graduating “Ioan Andreescu” Visual Arts Academy, Cluj-Napoca, sculpture department – approaches the monumental, suitable for his expansive, nonconformist artistic personality. He manifests himself as a complex artist, taking up a rather various stylistic range of elements, starting with a classical dynamism, belonging to both integrated and urban monumental assemblies or public areas decorations and proceeding with a synthesis of figurative and conceptual elements, filled with spontaneity and motion for the rest of his works.

As well as metal and wood, he works with glass in mixed techniques, simplifying form to essence. His artworks are a playful combination of height and rational volume dose, which breaks due to vitality; they interact and float, giving birth to an unexpected harmony. The assemblies are technically maneuvred through thin, perfect cuts across the neat surface or, on the contrary, unpolished, raw forms that are willingly pinned. This changing of the materials results in a mixture of shadow and light alert rhythm, enriched with convexities and concavities of forms. The Brancusi-style reduction to minimum of the form in elementary contours introduces us in a world of space ambiguity that widely opens the form through space. Plenitude and emptiness meet in order to suggest motion and to generate sensitive effects. These fundamental, general features of the forms, as well as the usage of synthetic or essential figurative elements completely meet the needs of abstractionism logic.

From the themes point of view, the artist invites us to explore a land of archetypes and biomorphic forms, destined to create a bond between his work of art and the natural environment. Catalin Dragomir’s sculptural work resides in the metamorphic syntax, consisting in a personal approach and characterized by professionalism and ingenuity as basic features.

website link [:en]

Dragomir Marian Cătălin
Dragomir Marian Cătălin
Adresa: Deva – jud. Hunedoara – România
MANTA-dinamică închegată - MANTLE- curdle dynamic - lemn,sticlă - wood, glass - 16x28x35cm
MANTLE- curdle dynamic – wood, glass – 16x28x35cm
Prezentare Demers Artistic

Cătălin Dragomir represents one of the young visual artists, posessing an amazing sense of figurative and abstract forms. The artist – graduating “Ioan Andreescu” Visual Arts Academy, Cluj-Napoca, sculpture department – approaches the monumental, suitable for his expansive, nonconformist artistic personality. He manifests himself as a complex artist, taking up a rather various stylistic range of elements, starting with a classical dynamism, belonging to both integrated and urban monumental assemblies or public areas decorations and proceeding with a synthesis of figurative and conceptual elements, filled with spontaneity and motion for the rest of his works.

As well as metal and wood, he works with glass in mixed techniques, simplifying form to essence. His artworks are a playful combination of height and rational volume dose, which breaks due to vitality; they interact and float, giving birth to an unexpected harmony. The assemblies are technically maneuvred through thin, perfect cuts across the neat surface or, on the contrary, unpolished, raw forms that are willingly pinned. This changing of the materials results in a mixture of shadow and light alert rhythm, enriched with convexities and concavities of forms. The Brancusi-style reduction to minimum of the form in elementary contours introduces us in a world of space ambiguity that widely opens the form through space. Plenitude and emptiness meet in order to suggest motion and to generate sensitive effects. These fundamental, general features of the forms, as well as the usage of synthetic or essential figurative elements completely meet the needs of abstractionism logic.

From the themes point of view, the artist invites us to explore a land of archetypes and biomorphic forms, destined to create a bond between his work of art and the natural environment. Catalin Dragomir’s sculptural work resides in the metamorphic syntax, consisting in a personal approach and characterized by professionalism and ingenuity as basic features.

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