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UAP | 07/02/2025

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[:ro]Meiloiu Consuella[:en]Meiloiu Consuella[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Meiloiu Consuella
Adresa: Str. Baltagului, nr.6, bl.V76A, sc.2, ap.34, et.3, sector 5 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40744.357.607

Totem- tehnica mixtă-mixed technique - 80x160cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Consuella Meiloiu se profileaza ca un artist al secolului XXI, cu o personalitate puternica ce vizeaza prin originalitate si vocatie un drum doar al ei in arta plastica romaneasca, printr-un urcus domol si sigur. Ea pare sa cocheteze cu arta inceputului de secol XX, speculand cu virtuozitate toate oportunitatile tehnice, pentru a-si implini scopul propus. Este exigenta cu alegerea mijloacelor, pentru ca indiferent de marime, fiecare lucrare trebuie sa aiba o arhitectonica nesovaielnica, in spatiul careia nu poate lipsi binomul intensitate-calitate. Lucrarile ei sunt povesti scrise intr-un desen sigur, personal, imagini puternice si bine articulate.
Si desi este o excelenta desenatoare, aceasta acorda o importanta prioritara culorii; culoarea ei vibreaza spre a-i exprima lumea viselor si sentimentelor proprii, a subconstientului cu accentele sale. Consuella Meiloiu are o rafinata stiinta a dozarii efectelor, demonstrat de cromatismul exploziv din unele lucrari, dar si de game cromatice restranse ce par a fi extrem de bine stapanite.
Esenta este trasata uneori de structuri formale, prin gesturi ferme, maniera cromatica ramanand bine manipulata La Consuella Meiloiu, modernitatea rezida din capacitatea de a defini nu a descrie, folosind elemente de expresie plastica multiple, personale(colaje, texturi, cristale sau culoare pastoasa), materiale ce vibreaza, energizeaza si formeaza un tot unitar expresiv.Tehnica artistei, este adaptata cu suplete la subiect, devenind cand sumbra si apasatoare, cand blanda si luminoasa sau exploziva. Pictura sa emana exuberanta, bucurie, tinerete. Este o arhitectura riguroasa, construita pe judecati precise, capabila sa creeze sinteze surprinzatoare imbracate in culoare.
Lucrarile ei se infatiseaza ca niste stenografii ale unor stari de spirit, sunt rezultatul unui efort lucid si original.

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Meiloiu Consuella
Adresa: Str. Baltagului, nr.6, bl.V76A, sc.2, ap.34, et.3, sector 5 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40744.357.607

Totem- tehnica mixtă-mixed technique - 80x160cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Consuella Meiloiu stands out as an artist of the XXI century, with a strong personality that, in a steady ascent, has found a path of her own in the field of Romanian fine arts by exercising her originality and dedication. She seems to flirt with the art of the early XX century through masterful speculation of every technical opportunity in order to achieve her goal. She shows rigor in the choice of visual means, because, regardless of size, each work must have an unyielding architecture, amid which the necessary pairing of intensity and quality must be present. Her works are stories written in confident, personal lines, with powerful, articulated imagery.
Although her draughtsmanship is excellent, she gives paramount importance to color; her palette vibrates with nuances in order to express the world of her dreams and feelings, of her unconscious and its accents. Consuella Meiloiu disposes of a refined science of quantifying the visual effects she employs, proven by the explosive color range of certain works, while others make use of a limited chromatic palette that is extremely well handled. Their essence is sometimes traced by formal structures, through firm gestures, all the while keeping in check her chromatic approach. With Consuella Meiloiu, the modernity resides in her ability to define, not to describe, by using various painterly elements in a personal key(collages, textures, crystals or thick paste), materials that vibrate, energize and make up an expressive whole. The artist’s technique is supply adapted to each subject, turning from somber and oppressive to gentle and luminous or explosive. Her paintings give off exuberance, joy, youthfulness. It is a rigorous architecture, built upon precise arguments, capable of creating surprising synthesis enveloped in color.
Her works present themselves as shorthand for specific moods, and are the result of a conscious and original effort.
Cornel Ostahie, 2011

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