[:ro]Petrișor Gabriela Laura[:en]Petrișor Gabriela Laura[:]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Mijlocul de expresie folosit este si ramane fotografia. Dezbaterea temei plastice, prin fotografie, dincolo de obiect si forma sfideaza limita unui limbaj conventional.
Tematica abordata este intotdeauna aleasa dintr-un vis surrealist, fragmentand si suprapunand obiectul si forma.
Simbolurile alese, in lucrari sunt imprumutate, din civilizatii apuse: precum labirintul-spirala, ca proces de initiere, pomul vietii, discul ca imagine solara, ce se reinventeaza metaforic, dobandind un discurs contemporan.
Pentru expresia finala a temei alese, simbolistica exprimata este o sursa permanenta de cercetare, ce se reinventeaza si primeste noi valente estetice in lucrarile de fotografie executate.
Tehnica de reprezentare a fotografiei este intotdeauna neconventionala, de experimentare si inovare in redarea unei imaginii ideale ce se naste in subsconstient.
website link laurinnis.blogspot.ro/
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Means of used expression is and remains photography. Artistic related issues through photography, behind the object and form defies conventional limits of plastic language.
Subject matter is always chosen from a surrealist dream, fragmenting and juxtaposing subject and form.
Selected symbols in works are borrowed from bygone civilization like: spiral- labyrinth as a process of initiation, tree of life, the solar disk as an image that is reinventing itself metaphorically, acquiring contemporary speech.
For the final expression of the theme, expressed symbolism is a permanent source of research, which reinvents itself and receives new aesthetic connotations in photography work done.
Representation technique of photography is always unconventional experimentation and innovation in playing an ideal image which is born in subsconstient.
website link laurinnis.blogspot.ro/
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