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UAP | 08/02/2025

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[:ro]Prilog Pop Ioan[:en]Prilog Pop Ioan[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Prilog Pop Ioan
Adresa: Loc Vama, str Mica, Nr 975, jud. Satu Mare – România
Tel: +40261.85.7244 ; +40740.878.374

Diagrama celestă- Celestial chart - acrylic-muşama - acryl-oilcloth - 140x100 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Universul predilect a lui Ioan Pop Prilog este unul de extractie fantastica, dar care evoca unui ochi mai atent agitatia magmatica atent colorata a unor evenimente cosmice indepartate, dar cat se poate de posibile. Imaginile iscate din paleta si imaginatia pictorului par a fi, alteori, gigantice proiecti spatiale ale unor forme extrase dintrun paradis botanic, corole sugerand senzuale volute coregrafice si botticelliene siluete feminine, pe care in cateva in cateva tablouri le marcheaza neechivoc cu fragmente collate de detalii fotografice semnificative. Artificiul tehnic de care artistul se foloseste cu vadida ostentatie s-ar dori, pecetea atashamentului sau fata de unele tendinte novatoare aflate in gratia noilor generatii artistice.

website link , [:en]

Prilog Pop Ioan
Adresa: Loc Vama, str Mica, Nr 975, jud. Satu Mare – România
Tel: +40261.85.7244 ; +40740.878.374

Diagrama celestă- Celestial chart - acrylic-muşama - acryl-oilcloth - 140x100 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Ioan Pop Prilog’s preferred universe is one of a fantastic kind, but which evokes to a trained eye the intense coloured magmatic stirring of some far away cosmic events, as possible as they could be. The images arose from the palette and the painter’s imagination seem to be, other times, gigantic space projection of some shapes extracted out of a botanical paradise, corollas suggesting sensual choreographic volutes and botticellian female silhouettes, which, in some recent paintings he unequivocally marks with fragments cholated by significant photo details. The technical artifice that the artist uses lately with some obvious ostentation, should have been, the mark of his attachment to some innovative trend existing at the limits of the new artistic generations

website link , [:]