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UAP | 24/02/2025

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[:ro]Sajgo Ileana[:en]Sajgo Ileana[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Sajgo Ileana
Sajgo Ileana
Adresa: Str. Budai Nagy Antal nr. 3, ap.1, Tg-Mureş, Mureș – România
Tel: +40744.544.672, +40365.409.434

Tapiserie Sajgo Ileana 500x400

Tapiserie-500×400 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Fragment din articolul “Arta textila insufletita de Sajgo Ileana”, aparut pe 21.01.2011 in Cotidianul muresean “Zi de Zi”:
Dupa o cariera bogata de patru decenii, Sajgo Ileana, fidela artei traditionale a materialelor textile, a expus publicului prezent doua din laturile sale plastice, arta textila si pictura de sevalet, exprimate in cadrul diversitatii preocuparilor de natura tematica, dar si de natura tehnica a artistei, combinata cu elemente traditionale, colaj textil, broderie, toate regasindu-se pe simezele Galeriei U.A.P. Mures. Motivele de inspiratie au insotit-o pe Sajgo Ileana de-a lungul carierei sale, atat in ceea ce priveste activitatea profesionala, precum si radacinile locurilor natale, completate de dragostea si sprijinul familiei.
Sajgo Ileana: “Iubesc natura, imi plac sentimentele intre oameni, motive care m-au inspirat in lucrarile mele. Folosesc tehnici traditionale de tesut, combinate cu colaj-broderie. In procesul de creatie inbin arta textila cu pictura de sevalet. In orice eveniment gasesc ceva care sa ma inspire. De exemplu, intr-un an am vizitat Egiptul si m-am intors de acolo cu amintiri deosebite, care de asemenea sunt prezente in tapiseriile mele.”

website link:


Sajgo Ileana
Sajgo Ileana
Adresa: Str. Budai Nagy Antal nr. 3, ap.1, Tg-Mureş, Mureș – România
Tel: +40744.544.672, +40365.409.434

Tapiserie Sajgo Ileana 500x400

Tapestry-500×400 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Fragment from the article „Textile art inspired by Sajgo Ileana” published on 21.01.2011 in Mures daily newspaper „Zi de Zi”:
After a rich career of four decades, Sajgo Ileana, a traditional textile artist, just has showed two of its sides, textile art and easel painting, expressed in the concerns diversity, the nature of the topic, but also the technical nature of the artist combined with traditional elements, textile collage, embroidery, all being found in UAP Gallery Mures. Reasons for her inspiration accompanied Sajgo Ileana along her career, both in terms of professional activity and homeland roots complemented by the love and support of family.
Sajgo Ileana: „I love nature, I love the feelings between people, these reasons had inspired me in my work. I’m using traditional techniques combined with collage, embroidery. I use to combine the creative textile art with painting. In any event I find something to inspire me. For example once I visited Egypt and I came home with great memories, which are also present in my tapestries. „

website link:
