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UAP | 07/02/2025

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[:ro]Salonul Sticlei 2016 @ Orizont[:en]Glass Salon 2016 @ Orizont[:]

[:ro]Salonul Sticlei 2016 @ Orizont[:en]Glass Salon 2016 @ Orizont[:]
Nistor Laurențiu


Uniunea Artiştilor Plastici din România, Filiala Arte Decorative vǎ invitǎ la vernisajul expoziţie de grup “Salonul Sticlei 2016”, miercuri 11 Mai, orele 18.00. Evenimentul va avea loc la galeria de artă “Orizont”

Expoziţia reuneşte artişti plastici din domeniu artelor decorative ce expun lucrǎri de mici şi mari dimemsiuni din sticlă.

Salonul sticlei 2016


Artists Union from Romania,
Decorative Arts Branch, invite you to take part at the anual group exhibition of glass art ”Salonul Sticlei”, Wednesday 11 May, at 6 PM. The event will take part at the art gallery ”Orizont”.
The exhibition brings together glass artists or artist from the field of decorative arts that use glass in their work. In the exhibition will be exposed contemporary glass sculptures and installations from Romanian artists.
Salonul sticlei 2016