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UAP | 10/03/2025

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Vioara Dinu

Vioara Dinu
Nistor Laurențiu


Vioara Dinu
Vioara Dinu
Adresa: Str. Fabricii de Zahar, nr 165, Cluj Napoca – România
Tel: +40722 704 400

Duminica     darurilor V         ,65x28x28 cm        ,sticla , lemn - Gift day V, glass,wood

Duminica darurilor V, 65x28x28 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Sticla incandescenta se muleaza perfect pe o forma de lemn atunci cand lemnul este pasiv,si sticla este activa . Prin miscarea ei,nu are timp sa afecteze structura lemnului.Afecteaza doar textura exterioara .Suprafata lemnului devine fina si matasoasa, la fel ca suprafata sticlei.
Daca sticla incandescenta zaboveste pe suprafata lemnului, ea incepe sa modifice strustura lemnului .Lemnul dobandeste forme si structuri pe care le poate avea doar dupa un contact cu sticla incandescenta.Sticla nu poate sa distruga lemnul –asa ca focul- , pentru ca viata ei incandescenta este scurta .
Lemnul si sticla ,prin alaturare se influenteaza .Lemnul primeste finetea sticlei sau structura pe care o lasa sticla incandescenta in urma ei, iar sticla dobandeste forma lemnului .
Relatia dintre sticla si lemn este ca relatia dintre dansator si muzica.La sfarsitul spectacolului, dansatorul este cel aplaudat, el este vedeta, asa cum la final, obiectul de sticla este cel care ramane de obicei sa fie admirat.
Alaturi de lemn, sticla pare mai calda ,mai ingaduitoare ,formele ei sunt mai valoroase, povestile ei sunt mai credibile.Lemnul dobandeste alaturi de sticla o noblete speciala, imprumutand de la sticla putina raceala, catifelare si moliciune a formei- insusiri pe care greu I le-ai putea induce lemnului in solitudine.
Cred ca firul rosu care calauzeste un artist este idea , ea este suverana si eu ca artist trebuie sa descopar mijloacele si uneltele care sunt aproape de structura mea interioara ,cu care sa pot exprima vizual ceva care salasluieste in sufletul si in mintea mea.

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Vioara Dinu
Vioara Dinu
Adresa: Str. Fabricii de Zahar, nr 165, Cluj Napoca – România
Tel: +40722 704 400

Duminica     darurilor V         ,65x28x28 cm        ,sticla , lemn - Gift day V, glass,wood

Gift day V, glasswood, 65x28x28- cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

The candent glass perfectly fits a wooden shape when the wood is passive and the glass is active. Through the continuous motion of the glass, there’s not enough time for the structure of the wood to become affected. The glass only affects the outer texture. The wooden surface becomes smooth and silky, as well as the surface of the glass.
If the candent glass lingers on the wooden surface, it begins to change the structure of the wood. The wood gains shapes and structures that become possible only after a direct contact with the candent glass. The glass cannot destroy the wood the way fire does, because its candent life is rather short.
By association, the wood and the glass influence each other. The wood receives either the fineness of the glass or the structure that the candent glass leaves behind, while the glass gains the shape of the wood.
The relationship between the glass and the wood resembles the relationship between the dancer and the music. At the end of the show, the dancer is the one who receives the ovation, he is the star, just like the glass object is usually admired in the end.
Alongside wood, the glass seems warmer, more lenient, its shapes are more valuable, its stories more believable. Alongside glass, the wood gains a certain nobility, borrowing a grain of aloofness from the glass, a certain smoothness and softness of shape – qualities one could hardly induce wood in solitude.
I believe that the red string that guides an artist is the idea, which is sovereign, and, as an artist, I need to discover the means and the tools close to my inner structure that can help me visually express something that dwells in my soul and my mind.

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