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UAP | 11/03/2025

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[:ro]Chinschi Teodora[:en]Chinschi Teodora[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Chinschi Teodora
Adresa: Calea Victoriei, nr.16-20, Pasaj Villa-Crosse, Scara D,et.II,sector 3, Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40213.113.215, +40734.945.666

Crengi cu mere-Apple twigsT- acuarelă-hârtie - watercolor-paper - 25x35cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

In opinia mea, mestesugul facut cu credinta, seriozitate si profunzime este cel care da durabilitate operei de arta. Artistul trebuie sa stapaneasca desenul, culoarea, compozitia si sa stie sa prinda caracterul si expresia unui personaj.
Sursa mea de inspiratie in pictura pe care o creez este natura si elemental ei esential – omul. Inspiratia fiecarui artist este de natura divina si are menirea de a-i purifica pe oameni, de a crea o lume in care sa domine libertatea, pacea si sublimul.
Frumosul inseamna adevar, bine, dumnezeire, inaltare, tandrete, atitudine impotriva a ceea ce este minciuna in aceasta lume.
Teodora Chinschi

website link ,


Chinschi Teodora
Adresa: Calea Victoriei, nr.16-20, Pasaj Villa-Crosse, Scara D,et.II,sector 3, Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40213.113.215, +40734.945.666

Crengi cu mere-Apple twigsT- acuarelă-hârtie - watercolor-paper - 25x35cm.

Apple-twigsT- watercolor-paper-25x35cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

In my opinion the craftsmanship made with faith, seriousness and profoundness is the one that gives durability to the work of art. The artist should possess a good mastery of drawing, colour and composition; he should also know how to graps the nature and the expression of the character.
My source of inspiration, in the painting I create, is nature and its essential element- the human being. The inspiration of each artist is of divine nature and is designed to purify people, to create a world in which liberty, peace and the sublime should dominate.
The beautiful means truth, good, divinity, ascension, tenderness and attitude against everything that is lie in this world.
Teodora Chinschi

website link ,
