Ailincăi Arina
Prezentare Demers Artistic
In lucrarile mai recente, intentia este de a “scrie” un poem tridimensional- metafora a conditiei umane.
Veculul formal folosit este mulajul corpului uman, replica fidela in lut, pezent ca exterioritate, o scoica goala efemera, ce cuprinde si contine ineriorul nostru sufletesc complex ca si personala si universala istorie.
Peretii ineriori a cestui corp-vas, deseori acoperiti cu scriitura, devine un palimpsest a existentei umane: prezente si trecute.
Diminuarea contrastului intr detaliile naturaliste exterioare si metaforica scriitura interiora, dilueaza linia fina ce separa imaginarul de real.
Lucrarile mai vechi sint un raspuns la o relatie afectiva cu istoria civilizatiei, harti, manuscrise, afabete arhaice, instrumente de masurat, etc.
Arina Ailincai
website link:,
Prezentare Demers Artistic
The recent work is focused on installation, where I wish to express the specificity or the “metaphor” of human conditions in our context.
The vehicle to express this notion is life size human body, specifically, different hypostases (using the body cast technique). The body (which functions as a human archetype) is presented like a shell hollow from within, physic ephemeral, in continuous dialogue with his spiritual interior (our innermost self). To emphasize this dialogue, the interior body is coated with scripts, a palimpsest of culture from all times. Exterior eroded by time, warped with gauze suggest bandage and idea of vulnerability.
To articulate my idea, I have chosen clay as principal material, working in conjunction with different materials and techniques. The dialogue between disciplines, crossing their frontiers, is in accordance with my continued curiosity and my fervent search for knowledge.
My exploration (working with ceramics, prints, drawings, photos) is to synthesize tow-dimensional and three-dimensional vocabularies into visual language charged with meaning, which direct the viewers to sense their location, both within and without.
Arina Ailincai
website link:,
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