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UAP | 03/02/2025

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[:ro]Antal Tamara[:en]Antal Tamara[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Antal Tamara
Adresa: Str. 1 Mai 3, C , 7 – Bacău – România
Tel: +40727.363.835

Epistola 1-Letter 1 - tehnică mixtă -  mixed tech. - 80 x 160 cm.

Epistola 1 – tehnică mixtă – 80 x 160 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Nascuta in Moldova,studiaza la Iasi ,arhitectura ,si mult mai tarziu urmeaza cursurile facultatii de arta din Bucuresti .Este membru titular UAP-filiala Bacau. Participa la expozitii colective , in Romania, Republica Moldova.Are expozitii personale in tara si incepand din 2009,participa la expozitii de grup si personale in Monastir ,Tunisia .In prezent continua sa expuna alaturi de colegi si in Romania. Ultima personala din tara a fost in 2010, expunand lucrari realizate in Africa, cu influente mediteraniene.Cea mai importanta expozitie personala a fost realizata in tara in 2007 “ DINCOLO DE PREZENT”
“Tamara Antal are o remarcabila forta imaginativa si o exemplara putere de asociere.Universul obiectelor o inspira si-i calauzeste pasii artistici catre compozitii de avergura,ale caror originalitate comunica dincolo de limitile prezentului,si cu cei vechi cat si cu stresatul om recent……..Asocierea in spatiul estetic a picturii-obiect face ca relatia sa declanseze multiple posibilitati de perceptie in functie de experienta culturala si vizuala a fiecarui privitor. Monumentalitatea neostentativa a marilor compozitii consista in semnificatiile noi pe care artista le confera obiectelor parca uitate si trezite la o viata noua,alta decat cea strict utilitara…..”

Valentin Ciuca – Privilegiile memoriei

website link[:en]

Antal Tamara
Adresa: Str. 1 Mai 3, C , 7 – Bacău – România
Tel: +40727.363.835

Epistola 1-Letter 1 - tehnică mixtă -  mixed tech. - 80 x 160 cm.

Letter 1 – mixed tech. – 80 x 160 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Born in Moldova, she studied Architecture in Iasi, and, much later, graduated from National University of Art Bucharest. She is a member of UAP Bacau. Took part in several group exhibitions In Romania and Republic of Moldova. Held solo exhibitions in Romania and, since 2009, her work is shown in both solo and collective exhibitions in Monastir, Tunisia. She also continues to exhibit along with her fellow artists in Romania. Most recent Romanian solo show was held in 2010, featuring Mediterranean influenced paintings created in Africa. Tamara’s most important solo art exhibition, entitled ‘BEYOND THE PRESENT’ was held in 2007 in her native country.

“Tamara Antal has a remarkable imaginative power and an amazing force of association. The universe of objects inspires her and guides her artistic steps towards great compositions the originality of which communicates beyond present’s limitations, both to the ancient and the recent stressful man……”. The association within aesthetical space of the object-picture, determines the relation to trigger multiple possibilities of perception according to the cultural and visual experience of each beholder. The inostensible grandeur of great compositions consists of new implications which the artist conveys to the objects almost forgotten and then brought to a new life, other than the strictly utilitarian one….”

Valentin Ciuca – Privileges of memory

website link[:]