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UAP | 11/03/2025

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[:ro]Bâtcă Mircea[:en]Bâtcă Mircea[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Bâtcă Mircea
Adresa: Str. Al. Neptun, Bl. 34, Sc. D, Ap. 41 – Deva – jud. Hunedoara – România
Tel: +40254.228.222; +40745.462.480
Antropograme-Anthropograms - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas - 92x95 cm
Antropograme – ulei-pânză – 92×95 cm
Prezentare Demers Artistic

Dându-mi seama că preluarea directă a naturii nu se potrivea cu ideile mele plastice privind realizarea unor forme şi a unor ambianţe proprii picturii, m-am raportat la cuvânt, la cuvântul din textele beletristice şi textele filozofice, în special textele lui Emil Cioran şi ale lui Lucian Blaga.
Lucrările mele au pornit de la abordarea fiinţei umane, interpretarea şi compunerea ei în diverse ipostaze. Interferenţele între fiinţele umane, deformările expresive ale corpului uman, fracţionările, compunerile, simbioza om-obiect, simbioza om-animal, imaginarul crează o lume în care imaginea plastică vine din informaţiile prilejuite de lectură, zona de inspiraţie fiind starea de meditaţie şi contemplaţie care mi-a creat idei plastice generale, concretizate apoi cu spontaneitate, după principiul dicteului automat.
După raportarea la logos există tendinţa de a mă contopi cu mistica numărului, cu combinaţiile numerice, mai ales în ceea ce priveşte proporţia formelor, relaţia formelor cu cadrul. În aceste lucrări figurativul este abandonat şi abstracţiunea pură este susţinută în planul realităţii de materialitatea suprafeţelor, care încearcă să iasă în tridimensional, să poată fi palpată, să poată fi observată prin efectele diverse ale luminii.
Prin redarea unor texturi ale materiei se crează un fel de relaţie între geometrie şi natură.

Artistic approach
Realizing a direct taking on nature did not fit with my artistic ideas regarding forms and painting environment, I related to word, the word of belletristic and philosophical works especially those of Emil Cioran and Lucian Blaga.
My works have started by addressing the human being, its interpretation and its composition in various hypostases. Interferences among human beings, expressive distortions of the human body, fractions, compositions, human-object symbiosis, human-animal symbiosis, the imaginary create a world where artistic image is occasioned by reading, inspiration area being meditation and contemplation giving me general artistic ideas, then spontaneously materialized by automatic dictation principle.
After relating to the Logos there is a tendency to merge myself with mystical of the number, with numerical combinations, especially in terms of the proportion of forms and relationship between forms and framework. In these works the figurative is abandoned and pure abstraction is supported by the reality of plane surface materiality, trying to get into tridimensional stage, being palpable, being observed through various light effects. Some sort of relationship between geometry and nature is being created by rendering some of the textures of the matter

website link [:en]

Bâtcă Mircea
Adresa: Str. Al. Neptun, Bl. 34, Sc. D, Ap. 41 – Deva – jud. Hunedoara – România
Tel: +40254.228.222; +40745.462.480
Antropograme-Anthropograms - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas - 92x95 cm
Anthropograms – oil-canvas – 92×95 cm
Prezentare Demers Artistic

Realizing a direct taking on nature did not fit with my artistic ideas regarding forms and painting environment, I related to word, the word of belletristic and philosophical works especially those of Emil Cioran and Lucian Blaga.
My works have started by addressing the human being, its interpretation and its composition in various hypostases. Interferences among human beings, expressive distortions of the human body, fractions, compositions, human-object symbiosis, human-animal symbiosis, the imaginary create a world where artistic image is occasioned by reading, inspiration area being meditation and contemplation giving me general artistic ideas, then spontaneously materialized by automatic dictation principle.
After relating to the Logos there is a tendency to merge myself with mystical of the number, with numerical combinations, especially in terms of the proportion of forms and relationship between forms and framework. In these works the figurative is abandoned and pure abstraction is supported by the reality of plane surface materiality, trying to get into tridimensional stage, being palpable, being observed through various light effects. Some sort of relationship between geometry and nature is being created by rendering some of the textures of the matter

website link [:]