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UAP | 08/09/2024

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[:ro]Brumar Mihaela[:en]Brumar Mihaela[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Mihaela Brumar
Brumar Mihaela
Adresa: Str. Regiment 11 Siret, Nr. 44, Bl. C36, Ap. 32, Galaţi – România
Tel: +4 0749 247 781

Când tu îmi spuneai ce înseamnă încrederea - “When you tell me what trust means”, 42x30 cm, Asamblaj FotoColaj, Collage Assemblage

Când tu îmi spuneai ce înseamnă încrederea, 42×30 cm. Asamblaj FotoColaj

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Născută în Galaţi, România, unde trăieşte şi lucrează, Mihaela Brumar este designer, grafician şi pictor cu studii la Universitatea de Arte Bucureşti, Facultatea de Arte Decorative şi Design, Secţia Arte Textile 2000. S-a manifestat în răstimpul care a trecut de la absolvire în design de marochinărie şi îmbrăcăminte, costume de teatru şi film, design ambiental, grafică, pictură murală, pictură pe sticlă, sculptură, instalaţie, fotografie.
Este membră a U.A.P. România, secţiunea grafică din 2012. În cadrul grupării Athanor, grupare fondată de sculptorul Eduard Costandache, a realizat o serie de lucrări de artă publică, instalaţii din materiale reciclabile, sculptură în metal şi pictură murală în spaţiul cultural „Nicolae Mantu” Galaţi.
În anul 2012 concepe proiectul Asamblaj FotoColaj, un ciclu de lucrări ce combină tehnici specifice fotografiei, graficii şi colajului.

Mihaela Brumar was born in Galati, Romania, where she currently lives and works. Having attained an undergraduate degree from University of Arts Bucharest, she has been pursuing a career as professional artist working with painting, graphic, fashion design, photography, sculpture and instalation. She have work experience in fashion design, also for theatre and film costumes. She is a member of U.A.P. Romania since 2012, graphic section. As a member of Athanor Group, has performed a series of public art works, installations, metal sculptures and mural painting in the cultural space „Nicolae Mantu” Galaţi, Romania. During recent years she works at Photo Collage Assemblage, uses and combines techniques of photography, graphics and collage, to express the issues of a „couple” in our contemporary world.

website link:,


Mihaela Brumar
Brumar Mihaela
Adresa: Str. Regiment 11 Siret, Nr. 44, Bl. C36, Ap. 32, Galaţi – România
Tel: +4 0749 247 781

Când tu îmi spuneai ce înseamnă încrederea - “When you tell me what trust means”, 42x30 cm, Asamblaj FotoColaj, Collage Assemblage

“When-you-tell-me-what-trust-means”, 42×30 cm. Collage-Assemblage

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Mihaela Brumar was born in Galati, Romania, where she currently lives and works. Having attained an undergraduate degree from University of Arts Bucharest, she has been pursuing a career as professional artist working with painting, graphic, fashion design, photography, sculpture and instalation. She have work experience in fashion design, also for theatre and film costumes. She is a member of U.A.P. Romania since 2012, graphic section. As a member of Athanor Group, has performed a series of public art works, installations, metal sculptures and mural painting in the cultural space „Nicolae Mantu” Galaţi, Romania. During recent years she works at Photo Collage Assemblage, uses and combines techniques of photography, graphics and collage, to express the issues of a „couple” in our contemporary world.

website link:,
