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UAP | 11/02/2025

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[:ro]Chira Mihai[:en]Chira Mihai[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Chira Mihai
Chira Mihai
Adresa: Str. Progresului 34, Cluj-Napoca – România
Tel: +40745 876 073

web: ,


”Romancuta”, 15/10 cm., Portelan patinat

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Lucrarile mele de ceramica sant executate in cele doua materiale clasice pentru un ceramist-portelanul si lutul.
Frumusetea formelor umane a fost mereu o sursa de inspiratie pentru mine.Am experimentat tot timpul propietatile expresive a portelanului si a lutului-care sant o modalitate foarte buna de a exprima potentialul artistic al creatorului de arta

Sculpturile figurative de mici dimensiuni fac parte din majoritatea obiectelor mele din portelan si lut.
Ele reprezinta segvente din viata personajelor reprezentate cu starile lor emotionale.
Sant simboluri ,expresii si atitudini ale fiintei umane regasite in expresia fetei si a corpului

Formatia mea de ceramist are in spate o activitate paralela de designer in portelan si sculptura.
Inbinarea acestor modalitati de exprimare artistica a fost dintotdeauna o provocare pentru mine.

Format la renumita scoala de arta clujeana-am pus si pun in lucrarile mele de ceramica acumularile cunostintelor dobandite in urma pregatirii artistice serioase in acest domeniu-alaturi de cea de designer.
Am creat piese decorative si utilitare specifice industriei portelanului-servicii de masa-bibelouri si articole decorative.

Sant fascinat de frumusetea ceramicii sculpturale-de felul cum aceste obiecte de mici dimensiuni ajung sa exprime privitorului emotii profunde.
Cunoscand cele trei lucruri importante pentru un ceramist-modelarea,decorarea si arderea-modalitatile mele de exprimare sant foarte variate.

In elaborarea obiectelor ceramice folosesc atat modelarea manuala cat si modelarea in matrite de ipsos,presari si remodelari ale obiectelor inca umede-experienta acumulata in activitatea industriala-ajungand sa am elaborari personale numai de mine studiate.

Obiectele au linii sinuoase care “curg” intr-o miscare lenta ca o moliciune suava-scotand in evidenta elegantul material care este portelanul
Imi place de asemenea varietatea de forme,texturi si suprafete care le ofera obiectele din lut-atat cele modelate cat si cele trase la roata olarului.

Incerc sa imprim echilibru si armonie si in lucrarile mele de ceramica rosie-fara sa acopar suprafata acestora-eventual doar patinata usor cu cativa oxizi si angobe.
Uneori modelez manual piesa trasa la roata-adaugandu-i elemente decorative cu motive florale sau zoomorfe-intregind aspectul estetic al obiectului respectiv.

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Chira Mihai
Chira Mihai
Adresa: Str. Progresului 34, Cluj-Napoca – România
Tel: +40745 876 073

web: ,


”Little romanian girl”, 15/10 cm., Porcelain patina

Prezentare Demers Artistic

My ceramic pieces are executed using the two classical media employed by ceramic artists – porcelain and clay. The beauty of human shape has always been a source of inspiration for me. I have extensively explored the expressive features of both porcelain and clay, as they are excellent venues for expressing the artistic potential of the artist.

Most of my porcelain works are small-scale figurative sculptures. They represent core moments of the lives of depicted characters, especially their emotional experiences. They are symbols – attitudes of the human being as they manifest themselves in facial and bodily expressions.

My formation as a ceramic artist parallels my work as porcelain designer and sculptor. Joining these two modes of artistic expression has always been a challenge I welcome. Having trained at the renowned Cluj Art School, my designer and ceramic works exhibit substantial and field-specific technical skills, knowledge, and experience. I have also created decorative and practical porcelain pieces, including but not limited to: china table sets, china figures, and decorative articles.

I am fascinated by the beauty of sculptural ceramics – especially by the manner in which these small-scale objects are able to impart profound emotional experiences to the viewer. Being well versed in the three methods employed by a ceramist (modeling, decoration, and burning), my ways of artistic expression are quite varied. In my ceramic work, I rely both manual and plaster stencil modeling as well as pressing and remodeling wet objects – all techniques employed in industrial ceramics. This knowledge and experience allow me to develop personal and unique projects and studies.

The objects exhibit sinuous lines, flowing in an ever slow and suave motion, thus stressing the specific elegance of porcelain as artistic medium. I also embrace the variety of shapes, textures, and surfaces pertaining to clay objects, both modeled and wheel-pulled.

In my red ceramic works I seek to imprint balance and harmony without covering their surface (or minimally patinated with oxide or engobe). Sometimes I manually model the wheel-pulled pieces adding decorative elements such as floral or zoomorphic motives, thus integrating their material and aesthetic aspects.

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