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UAP | 10/03/2025

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[:ro]Craioveanu Emil[:en]Craioveanu Emil[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Craioveanu Emil
Craioveanu Emil
Adresa: Str. Valea Jiului, nr. 32, Mizil, Ploiesti – România
Tel: +40745137081

''PEISAJ''tempera pe hartie 16-57cm 2012

PEISAJ, tempera-pe-hartie-16x57cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Nascut in localitatea Mizil (13.12.1954), judetul Prahova, Romania. A absolvit Liceul de Arte plastice ”N.Tonitza”(1973). Absolvent al Academiei de Arte „Luceafarul”(2005), sectia pictura, clasa profesor Teodor Moraru. Licentiat Universitatea Nationala de Arte ”Nicolaie Grigorescu”(2005). A expus lucrari de pictura pe lemn(teme istorice si religioase) in cadrul magazinelor Fondului Plastic si U.C.E.C.O.M. Din 1998 a participat la expoziti de grup nationale si a avut expozitii personale in Ploiesti (1998-2006-2007-2012) si Bucuresti(2009). In lucrarile de pictura si grafica foloseste elemente plastic e si tematice influentat de activitatea din domeniul picturii pe lemn.

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Craioveanu Emil
Craioveanu Emil
Adresa: Str. Valea Jiului, nr. 32, Mizil, Ploiesti – România
Tel: +40745137081

''PEISAJ''tempera pe hartie 16-57cm 2012

LANDSCAPE , tempera – on – paper – 16x57cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Born in Mizil (13.12.1954) town, Prahova county, Romania. Graduated of fine arts ” Nicolae Tonitza ” (1973).A graduate of the Academy of fine arts „Luceafarul” (2005), Department of painting, the class teacher Teodor Moraru. Licensed from the National University of the arts ” Nicolae Grigorescu (2005).Exhibited artworks of painting on wood (historical and religious themes) within the Plastic Fund and U.C.E.C.O.M. stores In 1998 he participated in the exhibition of the national group and has had personal exhibitions in Ploiesti (1998-2006-2007-2012) and Bucuresti(2009).In the works of painting and graphics use plastic items and themed activity influenced by painting on wood.

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