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UAP | 08/02/2025

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[:ro]Dinescu Elena Iulia[:en]Dinescu Elena Iulia[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Elena Iulia Dinescu200
Dinescu Elena Iulia
Adresa: str. I. Vacarescu nr.24, ap 1, Timișoara – România
Tel: +40256.203.896



Prezentare Demers Artistic

. . . . .Ceramista Iulia Dinescu insumeaza in creatia sa simtul volumetric al sculptorului, resursele cromatice ale pictorului si generoasa participare a artistului decorator la instaurarea unui nou spatiu fizic si moral al vietii de zi cu zi, mai curat, mai frumos, mai uman [. . .] Apeland la un vast registru de procedee, ceramista obtine suprafete si culori fascinante, datorita fie alegerii inspirate a materialului, fie procesului de ardere in care hazardul colaboreaza fericit cu vointa artistului ca peste tot si intotdeauna in stravechile arte ale focului. Situata in linia neintrerupta a traditionalei noastre olarii, reinnodand firul prestigios al ceramicii smaltuite din ctitoriile medievale, Iulia Dinescu, artista a vremii sale isi aduce partea de contributie la definirea noului statut estetic al artelor decorative si al modului lor specific autohton de existenta.

Prof. Deliu Petroiu, critic de arta,
Timisoara, 1974

website link


Elena Iulia Dinescu200
Dinescu Elena Iulia
Adresa: str. I. Vacarescu nr.24, ap 1, Timișoara – România
Tel: +40256.203.896



Prezentare Demers Artistic

….. In her creation the ceramist Iulia Dinescu totals the volumetric senses of the carver, the chromatic resources of the painter and the generous participation of the decorating artist to the establishment of a new physical and moral space of day-to-day life, cleaner, more beautiful, more humane […] Resorting to a vast register of proceedings the ceramist obtains fascinating surfaces and colors, due partly to inspired choosing of material, partly to the burning process in which hazard co-operates happily with the artists will, as always and everywhere in the ancient arts of fire. Located within the uninterrupted line of our traditional pottery, restoring the impressive thread of enameled ceramics from medieval foundation, Iulia Dinescu, an artist of her time brings her own part of contribution to the defining of the new esthetic statute of decorative arts and of their own specific native way of existence.

Prof. Deliu Petroiu, art critic
Timisoara, 1974

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