[:ro]Dorin Lehaci[:en]Dorin Lehaci[:]
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tehnica: mixtă
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Valentin Ciucă: “Dorin Lehaci a fost mai intai interesat de multiplele posibilitati ale comunicarii cu vizibilul si s-a pastrata in orizontul expresiv al Scolii Iesene, unde reflexivitatea deriva din contemplatie, si gestul din impulsurile unei reactii de atasament pentru structurile armonic definite”.
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Prezentare Demers Artistic
Valentin Ciucã: “Dorin Lehaci was first of all interested in the multiple possibilities of the visual communications and kept the expressive horizon of the School of Iasi, where reflexivity derived from contemplation and the gesture from the impulses of an attachment reaction for the harmonically defined structures”.
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