[:ro]Herman Ioan[:en]Herman Ioan[:]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Ioan Herman este un artist plastic pasionat de tot ceea ce este legat de structurile geometrice ale naturii, geometrie invizibila si secreta pe care artistul o dezvaluie. El este un cautator in invizibilul, tainicul lumii si vietii, a materiei si a sufletului. Folosind cu iscusinta simboluri ca triunghiul cu semnificatiile mistice dar si sfera sau rombul, Ioan Herman ne initiaza intr-un abstractionism geometric care este definitoriu pentru opera sa in ultimii ani ai creatiei. Mesajul pe care il transmite opera sa este de “cercetator in micro si macro cosmos” la mijloc situandu-se artistul care cauta si ne releva geometria divina care devine vizibila in tablourile lui Ioan Herman….
Radu Ciobanu-scriitor, 2005
website link[:en]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Ioan Herman is an artist passionate about all the things that are linked to nature’s geometric structures, and about the secret and invisible geometry that the artist is revealing to us. He is a seeker in the invisible, in the secret of world and life, and of matter and soul. Using skillfully symbols like the triangle with its mistical signs, but also symbols like the sphere and the diamond, Ioan Herman is initiating us into a geometric abstractionism that is the most defining for his work in these last years of his creation. The message his works of art are sending is that he is a “ researcher in micro and macro cosmos”, in the midlle being the artist who is searching and highlighting the divine geometry that becomes visible in the paintings of Ioan Herman….
Radu Ciobanu-scriitor, 2005
website link[:]
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