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UAP | 10/03/2025

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Luana Diana Matei

Luana Diana Matei
Nistor Laurențiu


Sete de cunoastere, ulei pe panza, 60×80 cm

Prezentare Demers Artistic

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Sete de cunoastere, ulei pe panza, 60×80 cm

Prezentare Demers Artistic

In my artistic research, the process of creating an image is very important inasmuch as the moment during which the reflection (understood as the transformation of ideas and inner motives of the artist into form and matter) is stimulated and acts as a mental continuation of a form or a composition.
All my projects are part of a continuous working path in time, a continues research, individual and personal, characterized and contaminated by my own memories, experiences, choices, interests or needs and influenced in some way even from the contact with the different artistic researches or the surrounding spaces.
The human figure (figure from Latin “figure”, meant as “shape, model”) is a necessary and essential theme in my work. Identity, history and the remnants left by human kind over time are issues that are at the basis of my artwork: elements of which I want to create a meditation on the human time and the human space, on individual and collective memory, on the cultural boundaries at the end of a world. Basically, I obey to universal questions that many artists have put in a way never predictable.
During the process of all my works, the picture transforms and changes form following its inner characterizing laws; in the unique and unrepeatable deed of shaping, the “way of doing” is invented. The matter, as a form, is formed in the act of shaping as a shape formed.
I’m interested in the boundaries of the pictorial space, expanding in installations that envelope the surrounding space in color fields, shape and structure.

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