Open calls

Dear Artist,
We are pleased to send you the Call for Artists of the new CreActivity event sponsored by us.
CreActivity SRL in collaboration with Campana dei Caduti Foundation and AIAPI | IAA/UNESCO Official Partner under the patronage of UNRIC, Provincia di Trento, Comune di Rovereto opens the call for participation in the selections for the International Exhibition of Contemporary Art
curated by Roberto Ronca
organized by Debora Salardi
Participation is free of charge and is open to adult artists from all over the world.
It is open to any artistic language
Deadline: April 29, 2024
18th edition of the „HUMAN RIGHTS?” project Go to the event page: |
Rovereto (TN) – Italy
from 8 June to 8 October 2024
To participate in the selections it is necessary
read the regulations very carefully
and fill out the participation form
following the instructions scrupulously.
for information on this event write to:
Certain that we have done something pleasant for you, we cordially greet you and wish you
All the Best!
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