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UAP | 22/12/2024

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[:ro]Poiata Toth Rodica[:en]Poiata Toth Rodica[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Poiata Toth Rodica
Adresa: Str. Estacadei, nr 15, Bl P41, Sc 1, ap. 17, sect.6 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40744.489.813

Fuziune-Fusion - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas 70x90 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Rodica Toth Poiata confera viziunii sale neted realiste, mergand uneori pana la inregistrarea detaliilor, o perspectiva simbolica, mai bine zis o deschidere catre sensuri generalizatoare. Starea de reflexivitate se naste din intimitatea profunda cu datele imediatului, caci ceea ce se poate remarca inca de la bun inceput in pictura ei este tocmai sentimentul unei implicari in existenta si a unei firesti detasari, invocand abstractiunea cuvantului si o finalitate superioara a naturii, de ordinul terapiei sufletesti.”
„Pictorita are facultatea aparte de a vedea reflectand, de a inregistra vizibilul in starea reveriei, altfel spus de a se topi in vis. Si acest vis al ei se imbraca cu o infinita delicatete in discretii tonale si o lumina bland invaluitoare, facand din candoare o expresie surprinzatoare a fantasticului.

Cornel Radu Constantinescu

website link


Poiata Toth Rodica
Adresa: Str. Estacadei, nr 15, Bl P41, Sc 1, ap. 17, sect.6 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40744.489.813

Fuziune-Fusion - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas 70x90 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Rodica Toth Poiata confers her realistic vision a symbolic perspective, actually an opening to essential senses. The reflexivity estate is born from a profound intimacy with the data of immediacy, as what we remark from the beginning in her painting is exactly the feeling of implication in existence by a natural detachment. She invokes the abstraction of the word and the superior finality of the nature giving to painting the power of the soul therapy.

The painter has the faculty of seeing things by reflection, of recording the visible in the reverie state, of melting in dreams. And this dream of her is dressed up in an infinite delicacy of discrete tones that makes from innocence a surprising aspect of the fantastic space.

Cornel Radu Constantinescu

website link
