[:ro]Radu Luminiţa[:en]Radu Luminiţa[:]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Luminiţa Radu lasă în pictura şi în grafica ei impresia că este interesată în a descoperi lumi trecute şi imaginare, posibile şi cu provocări sistematice devastatoare. Ca pe un răboj sau un calendar străvechi, de pe un act domnesc sau o piatră funerară, artista descifrează straturi succesive de depuneri memoriale şi care permit lectura iluzorie a unor documente fundamentale. Structurile plastice sugerează dimensiunea vagului, aluzivului, aleatorului. Recuperările mentale definesc nevoia cunoaşterii originare şi prefigurează orizonturi posibile. Nivelurile realului cu care operează sunt doar pretexte grafice în tonalităţi întotdeauna grave. Semnele acestui timp revolut continuă să fie prezenţe memorabile şi anticipă configuraţia combinaţiilor de linii ce animă suprafaţa pictată. Ferestrele deschise spre imaginar au sensul virtualităţii, al posibilului. În general, prin idee sugerează, prin structura formelor determină reflecţii…
Valentin Ciucă – “Un secol de arte frumoase în Moldova” vol. I,
Iaşi, Botoşani, Neamţ, Bacău, Editura ART XXI 2009
Luminiţa Radu leaves, in her paintings and graphics, the impression that she is interested in discovering past and possible imaginary worlds, a notch or an old calendar, a lordly note or on a tombstone the artist deciphers successive layers of submission af statements that allow the illusory reading of fundamental documents. Plastic structures suggests the size of evasive, allusive and aleatory. Mental recoveries define original need of knowledge and projects possible horizons. Real structure that operates with are only graphics excuses in perpetual serious tones. Signs of this revolutionary time continue to be memorable presences and anticipate signs of lines combinations that animate the painted surface. Open windows to imaginary have the meaning of virtuality, of the potential. In general, by idea suggests,by forms’ structure, causes reflections…
Valentin Ciucă – “A Century of Fine Arts in Moldova” vol. I,
Iaşi, Botoşani, Neamţ, Bacău, Publishing ART XXI 2009
website link , raduluminita.blogspot.com[:en]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Luminiţa Radu leaves, in her paintings and graphics, the impression that she is interested in discovering past and possible imaginary worlds, a notch or an old calendar, a lordly note or on a tombstone the artist deciphers successive layers of submission af statements that allow the illusory reading of fundamental documents. Plastic structures suggests the size of evasive, allusive and aleatory. Mental recoveries define original need of knowledge and projects possible horizons. Real structure that operates with are only graphics excuses in perpetual serious tones. Signs of this revolutionary time continue to be memorable presences and anticipate signs of lines combinations that animate the painted surface. Open windows to imaginary have the meaning of virtuality, of the potential. In general, by idea suggests,by forms’ structure, causes reflections…
Valentin Ciucă – “A Century of Fine Arts in Moldova” vol. I,
Iaşi, Botoşani, Neamţ, Bacău, Publishing ART XXI 2009
website link , raduluminita.blogspot.com[:]
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