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UAP | 14/02/2025

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Udrea Natalia

Udrea Natalia
Nistor Laurențiu


Udrea Natalia
Udrea Natalia
Adresa: Str. Baba Novac, nr.27, Cluj Napoca – România
Tel: +40744 484 629

Turnul Negru- Black Tower 2012, dim.75x65, tehnica colaj

Turnul-Negru, 75×65 cm. colaj.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Un stil ce-si propune si-si permite libertatea de a rupe granitele dintre vechi si nou, trecand cu usurinta peste toate tabu-urile legate de aceasta „Cenusareasa” a artelor.
Un stil ce-si dobandeste in timp, cu multa rabdare si deschidere fata de nou, forta si echilibru in tot acest demers artistic, plin de capcane invizibile.
Un stil care nu experimenteaza nimic nou, ci se exprima printr-o linie fina, delicata care-si aduce aportul in a dezvalui privitorului nu un concept nou ci o reinterpretare a frumosului dincolo de arta.
Un demers fara improvizatii inutile, cu o arhitectura dinamica, monumentala si o aura speciala, toate aceste atribute incercand sa obtina o noua forma de interpretare a
artelor decorative, o forma echilibrata, plina de substanta, de sine statatoare, care sa poata sa smulga privitorului o stare, o senzatie.
Ca tehnici folosite in acest proces de permanenta cautare, am fost atrasi mai mult de tot ce inseamna tehnica colajului- de posibilitatea de a combina diferite materiale-
cat si de bogatia de forme, suprapuneri, texturi a broderiilor si a dantelelor. Incercarea noastra este sa obtinem adevarate bijuterii de finete drapate in voalul timpului.

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Udrea Natalia
Udrea Natalia
Adresa: Str. Baba Novac, nr.27, Cluj Napoca – România
Tel: +40744 484 629

Turnul Negru- Black Tower 2012, dim.75x65, tehnica colaj

Black-Tower, 75×65 cm. colaj.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

„A style who tries to suggest and afford the liberty to broke the boundary between The Ancient and The New, who passes very easy and gently through all the TABU ideas of the „Cinderella” of Fine Arts.
A style who finds in time, with a lot of patience and opening to new things, force and equilibrium in all this artistic process, full with invisible traps.
A style who doesn’t try anything new, but tries to show a fine and delicate line which can bring to the viewers not a new concept but a new interpretation of the Beautiful behind The Art.
A step without useless improvisations, with a dynamic and monumental architectural line and a special atmosphere- all these attributes tries to obtain a new form of interpretation of The Decorative Arts, a balance form full of substance which can obtain from the viewer a feeling, an emotion.
Regarding as technical methods in this process of a permanent searching, we were deeply attracted by the collage technique- the beautiful possibility and opportunity of mixing different fabrics, as well as the richness of shapes, superpositions, textures of the precious laces and embroideries.
Our experiment is to obtain a real and refine jewel trapped in the veil time.”

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