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UAP | 22/12/2024

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[:ro]Moldovan Lavinia Maria[:en]Moldovan Lavinia Maria[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Moldovan Lavinia Maria
Adresa: Str. Rapsodiei nr. 3,ap. 70, Baia Mare – jud. Maramureş – România
Tel: +40747662221

Fecioara Maria - Virgin Mary - tehnică mixtă-sticlă - mixed technique-glass - 60x80 cm.

Fecioara Maria – tehnică mixtă-sticlă – 60×80 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Lucraile artistei Lavinia Maria Moldovan sunt realizate intr-o formula decorativa in care se impletesc sobrietatea icoanei pe sticla cu simbolistica si gratia artei japoneze si nu in cele din urma cu art-deccoul.Lavinia Moldovan a reusit sa isi impuna o formula artistica originala in care conceptia creatiei se ridica deasupra acestor directii orecum generale, dandu-le un caracter personal.Suportul de lucru este sticla, si asta pentru ca are ca si avantaje calitatea de transparenta si de luminozitate ce o capata culorile.Lucraile sunt dinamice atat prin cromatica bogata cat si prin sinuositatea liniilor contururiolr si formelor ce tradeaza o parte din spiritual ludic al artistei.Toate acestea sunt complectate de nobletea foitei de aur su de argint ce apre atat in icoane cat chiar si in lucrari ce au alte teme cum ar fi peisajul.
Arta create de Lavinia Moldovan este una moderna ce insa isi mentine sinceritatea si reuseste sa creeze picturalitate in lucrari decorative.

The masterpieces of the artist Lavinia Moldovan are made in a decorative formula in which the icon painted on glass’ sobriety is merged with the symbolist and graceful Japanese art and of course the art-decco. Lavinia Moldovan managed to apply an original artistic formula in which the conception of creation is raised above these somehow general directions, giving them a personal character. The worksheet is glass , and that because it has advantages like transparency quality and luminosity quality the colours are getting. The masterpieces are dynamic both through their rich chromatic and line, shape and border sinuosity which reveal a part of the ludic spirit of the artist. All these are completed by the golden and silver sheet’s nobility which appear both in icons and even in masterpieces which have other themes, such as the landscape.
The art created by Lavinia Moldovan is a modern one but it keeps its sincerity and it manages to create picturality in decorative masterpieces.

website link ,[:en]

Moldovan Lavinia Maria
Adresa: Str. Rapsodiei nr. 3,ap. 70, Baia Mare – jud. Maramureş – România
Tel: +40747662221

Fecioara Maria - Virgin Mary - tehnică mixtă-sticlă - mixed technique-glass - 60x80 cm.

Virgin Mary – mixed technique-glass – 60×80 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

The masterpieces of the artist Lavinia Moldovan are made in a decorative formula in which the icon painted on glass’ sobriety is merged with the symbolist and graceful Japanese art and of course the art-decco. Lavinia Moldovan managed to apply an original artistic formula in which the conception of creation is raised above these somehow general directions, giving them a personal character. The worksheet is glass , and that because it has advantages like transparency quality and luminosity quality the colours are getting. The masterpieces are dynamic both through their rich chromatic and line, shape and border sinuosity which reveal a part of the ludic spirit of the artist. All these are completed by the golden and silver sheet’s nobility which appear both in icons and even in masterpieces which have other themes, such as the landscape.
The art created by Lavinia Moldovan is a modern one but it keeps its sincerity and it manages to create picturality in decorative masterpieces.

website link ,
