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UAP | 10/03/2025

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[:ro]Bolnavu Pitariu Angela[:en]Bolnavu Pitariu Angela[:]

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Bolnavu Pitariu Angela
Bolnavu Pitariu Angela
Adresa: Str. BISTRITEI  Nr.13,  Bl .H 1, Sc.A  Ap. 6, Suceava – România
Tel: +40265.227.506

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Disc Solar

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Chiar in orizontul prim al lumii, când protoparintii omenirii trăiau fericiți in gradina paradisiaca, ei au devenit conștienți de propria lor nuditate si au încercat vag sa-si ascundă. Atunci probabil ca s-a născut pudoarea, cea care ne-a invatat ca ceea ce se ascunde mai mult se vede mai bine.
Conștienta ca cei vechi aveau dreptate atunci când susțineau ca “naturaia non turpia” Angela Pitariu-Bolnavu a glosat in maniera personala pe tema NeNudului. A făcut-o cu eleganta si inspirație, ne lăsând nici o infima posibilitate ca pretextul plastic sa cada in derizoriu sau vulgar. Rafinata si cu o inteligenta lun exersata in compoziții simbolice, sugerând tribulațiile finite interioare, pictorița a infatisat, in fapt, ipostaze ale iubirii, corpul feminine fiind tratat, in acest caz, cu venerația unei minuni a lumii, templul etern al dragostei.
Angela Pitariu-Bolnavu are arta de a imagina scenografii special unde-si plasează personajele. Raporturile complexe cu natura sugerează ovidiana Ars Amandi, dar si rafinat-exotica Kamasutra. Decorul este parte integranta din compoziția tabloului, unde curbele voluptoase se armonizează cu siluetele gracile ale personajelor. Semne inițiatice figurează in imaginea care traieste îndeosebi prin spirit si subtilitatea conotațiilor simbolice. Orizontul de culturalitate al autoarei exclude orice trimitere la derizoriul materiei. Cromatica se reduce la gama unor ocruri fin distilate, iar albul pânzei cu grund este inclus in dominant tabloului astfel eliberat de sugestiile iconicului. Spirit proteic si deschis către soluțiile modernității, privește permanent natura din perspective culturii.
Critic de arta Valentin Ciuca

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Bolnavu Pitariu Angela
Bolnavu Pitariu Angela
Adresa: Str. BISTRITEI  Nr.13,  Bl .H 1, Sc.A  Ap. 6, Suceava – România
Tel: +40265.227.506

web: ,


Solar Disc

Prezentare Demers Artistic

As early as in the primary age of the world, when the proto parents of humanity lived happily in the paradisiacal garden, they became aware of their own nudity and vaguely tried to hide it. This is when bashfulness was born, which taught us that the more one hides something, the more that thing is visible.
Aware that the ancestors were right when they said that “naturalia non turpia”, Angela Pitariu-Bolnavu commented in her own personal manner upon the theme of the NonNude. She did it with elegance and inspiration, without leaving any possibility for the artistic pretext to descend into the ridiculous or the vulgar. A refined spirit with long practised intelligence in symbolic complex paintings, suggesting the tribulations of inner existence, the painter has described, in fact, the hypostases of love, the feminine body being approached, in this Particular case, with the veneration proper to a world wonder, the eternal temple of love.
Angela Pitariu-Bolnavu has the art of imagining special scenographies where she places her characters. The complex relationship with nature suggests Ovid’s Ars Amandi, but also the refined and exotic Kamasutra. The setting is an integrant part of the painting’s composition, where the voluptuous curves harmonize perfectly with the delicate image of the characters. Symbols of initiation appear in the image that lives mainly by spirit and the subtlety of symbolic connotation.  The author’s intellectual side excludes any reference to the derisory of the matter. The chromatics isreduced to a scale of finely distilled ochres, while the white grounding of the canvas is included in the dominant of the painting, thus liberated from the suggestions of the iconic. A protean spitit, open to the solutions of modernity, she observes nature from the perspective of culture.
Art critic Valentin Ciuca

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