[:ro]Ciufu Oana Simona[:en]Ciufu Oana Simona[:]
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Prezentare Demers Artistic
Formularea discursului meu plastic cu valente simbolico- religioase porneste de la realtia ce ancoreaza pe om de Dumnezeu.
Problema extractiei din adancurile poate fi perfect similara cu cel al extractiei din adancurile unei fiinte uman e, curajul nesabuit de a scormoni in maruntaiele naturii, iata un act profund omenesc.
Simona Ciufu a patruns intr-o adevarata “zona “ in care criteriile de orientare sunt vointa, rabdarea, contemplare in materiile picturii.
Cu o buna stiinta a constructiei , cu o compozitie riguros organizata stiind sa se joace cu diferite materialitati , ea are preferinte pentru proiectele mari, pentru gestul dezinvolt dar bine controlat mental.
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Prezentare Demers Artistic
The formulation of my speech with simbolistc- religious valences , start from the relation whence anchor human with God.
The problem of the extraction from the deep of the earth may be similar to extraction from the deep of the human being , the courage to poke in the entrails of the nature , see an profound human act.
Simona Ciufu getting trough into true “ zone “ whence orientation criterions are will, patience, contemplation in painting materialitys.
With good science of construction , with rigurous organized compozition she know how to play with diverse materialitys , she have preferences for bigs projects, for facility gesture but good mentaly controled.
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