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UAP | 14/02/2025

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[:ro]Gliga Luminiţa[:en]Gliga Luminiţa[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Gliga Luminiţa
Adresa: Str. Dimitrie Onciul nr. 16, ap.1, Sector 2 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40723.674.677

Orhidee - Orchid - acrilic-pânză - acryl-canvas 80x60 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Luminita examineaza motivele de baza – de ce societatea are nevoie de arta si de ce este important pentru fiintele umane sa vada si sa simta aspectele vietii exprimand potentialul uman de gandire, emotie si interactiunea cu mediul natural. Arta ei dezvaluie natura istoriei, mit si arhetipuri ale gandirii umane si comportamentul definit de civilizatii din trecut. In acest context vedem si putem medita la modul in care ideile ei demonstreaza procesul fundamental al fiintei umane. Arta ei este atat contemporana, ocupandu-se cu experienta de viata cotidiana si imprejurimi, cat si legata de istoria creatiei umane care decurge din primele inchipuiri, forme, ganduri si experienta gasita in picturile rupestre din Lascaux. Picturile ei rezoneaza cu complexitati gasite in multe dintre straturile istoriei artei. Reunind variate experiente de viata, ii impune privitorului sa contempleze, sa examineze si reaprinde focul imaginatiei continut in mesajul lasat de adevarata exprimare artistica.
Arta Luminitei este o viziune personala, o cautare interioara, precum si o examinare a marii lumi a vietii umane si experientei. Ca participanti la aceasta forma de arta beneficiem de intelegerea artistei, de metoda si intelepciunea precum si de modul in care aceste idei formeaza obiecte tangibile pentru noi pentru a fi martori si a ne bucura.

David Kastner –

website link,


Gliga Luminiţa
Adresa: Str. Dimitrie Onciul nr. 16, ap.1, Sector 2 – Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40723.674.677

Orhidee - Orchid - acrilic-pânză - acryl-canvas 80x60 cm.


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Luminita examines the underlying reasons why society needs art and why it is important for human beings to see and feel aspects of life expressing the potential of human thought, emotion, and interaction with the natural environment. Her art reveals the nature of history, myth, and archetypes of human thought and behavior defined by past civilizations. In this context we see, and can ponder how her ideas demonstrate the fundamental process of being human. Her art is both contemporary, dealing with experience from immediate life and surroundings, and is also linked to the history of human creation, stemming from the first imaginings of ideas, form, thought, and experience found in the Lascaux cave paintings. Her paintings resonate with complexities found in the many layers of art history. Bringing together a variety of life experience, requires the viewer to contemplate, examine, and re–ignite the fire of imagination contained in the message left by true artistic expression.
Luminita’s art is a personal vision, a quest within, as well as an examination of the larger world of human life and experience. As participants in this art form we benefit from her understanding of method and wisdom, and how these ideas form tangible objects for us to witness and enjoy.
David Kastner –

website link,
