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UAP | 10/03/2025

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[:ro]Ilea Radu Constantin[:en]Ilea Radu Constantin[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Ilea Radu Constantin
Adresa: Albac 19/50, Cluj Napoca – România
Tel: +40

DEALU FRUMOS - 60x85cm - digistenophotography - pinholecamera


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Recursul la digistenofotografie* al domnului Radu Constantin Ilea se constituie intr-o incercare de exceptionala performanta, incercare in care artistul si profesionistul magician isi, si ne coboara din etherul vrajilor sale si din ermeticul si enigmaticul turn de fildes, minunea minunilor sale aflate, revelate si relevate. Coborarea intru intalnirea cu un orizont de avaluare expert si public se face prin severa si responsabila rezumare si prin, desigur, dificile ceremonii si ecuatii de ultra-esentializari, prin acea dulce-amara renuntare la preaplinul posibilei povestiri, ca sa adune tot extraordinarul unei aventuri a creatiei, a cercetarii artistice si stiintifice.
Conf. Univ. Dr. Gaina Gherendi Stefan Dorel

*digistenofotografia (termen creat de autor) este o imagine realizata cu camera obscura pe hartie fotografica, ulterior developata prin procedeu argentic, apoi scanata, prelucrata pe computer si printata digital pe hartie manuala.

website link:


Ilea Radu Constantin
Adresa: Albac 19/50, Cluj Napoca – România
Tel: +40

DEALU FRUMOS - 60x85cm - digistenophotography - pinholecamera


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Messrs Radu Constantin Ilea appeal to digistenophotography* consists in an attempt to exceptional performance test in which the artist, the professional magician, descends from the ether and the tightness of his spells and enigmatic ivory tower, wonder of wonders which fall disclosed and revealed. Lowering to a meeting with public and expert evaluation horizon is done by severe and responsible summary and also by difficult ceremonies and ultra-essentiality equations, by the bittersweet waiver of possible stories overflow, to gather all the extraordinary adventure, the creative, the artistic and the scientific research.

Assoc. Dr. Stefan Dorel Gaina Gherendi

* digistenophotography (term coined by the author) is an image taken with the pinholecamera on photographic paper, developed in argentic process, then scanned, processed by computer and digital printed on handmade paper.

website link:
