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UAP | 03/02/2025

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[:ro]Lukacs Eva[:en]Lukacs Eva[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Lukacs Eva
Lukacs Eva
Adresa: Str.Unirii 11,D2 ap.10, Dej – România
Tel: +40264-212 099, +40724-696 121

web: ,

CAUTARE,acrilic,70x50cm,pe pinza

CAUTARE, 70×50 cm, acrilic pe pânză

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Asistăm la o sensibilă înţelegere de climat cromatic şi luministic, la o originală resimbolizare a culorii şi luminii, înţeleasă ca un flux continuu din care revelator apar secvenţe de o uluitoare vitalitate, somptuozitate, muzicalitate.

Opera sa în pastel, acrilic, tuş, ulei, tehnici combinate, rod al unui travaliu creator de mai bine de patru decenii nu este rezultanta doar a unei măiestrii artistice remarcabile, ci prin autentică trăire înseamnă o actualizare a planului secund, o reinventare spirituală a lumii, ce presupune sinteză, organicitate, congruenţă, expresivitate – relevarea esenţei opusă haosului, incongruenţei, opacităţii fiind totdeauna, în ciuda vicisitudinilor, o pledoarie pentru adevărata lumină.

Dr. Alexandra Ru

website link: ,


Lukacs Eva
Lukacs Eva
Adresa: Str.Unirii 11,D2 ap.10, Dej – România
Tel: +40264-212 099, +40724-696 121

web: ,

CAUTARE,acrilic,70x50cm,pe pinza

CSEARCH, 70×50 cm, acrylic on canvas

Prezentare Demers Artistic

In the existence of an artist even after a long lasting activity may appear a new stage of crystallizing herself, which metaphor is teading to comprise her own artistic living’s experience with the suggestions of the great “adventure”, which passes the modern art in our century, making a decisive mutation towards essence.
This stage of revealing the essence in Éva Lukács Solymossy’s twenty years of activity, appears in the cycle “Island” (1987-1991).
If the previous cycles, in the images proposed by the paintress, each element of reality is investigated with the curiosity of a researcher, who follows and defines empathically each inflection of hers; in the cycle “Island” the visible is substituted by the sensibility. Each image contains a mystery: the mystery of the joy, of the self discovery. Why else is this “Island” constantly retaken, only as an emblem? Sometimes it is the rock of conviction, with the breaks of inherent of disappointment, sometimes it is a citadel of greenness that raises in her exuberant becoming, or it may be the magic place of remembrance.
And all these images achieved with the austere use of artistic means. With a genuine artistic living Éva Lukács Solymossy edifies her own worldview and ours as well. The modulated colors dosed with the refinement or with a great expressive force propose us the image of a world in the course of development, in which the hope of a “light island” seems to be possible.
Dr. Alexandra Rus

website link: ,
