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UAP | 11/03/2025

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[:ro]Milea Lucreția[:en]Milea Lucreția[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Milea Lucreția
Milea Lucreția
Adresa: Str. Cosminele, nr. 11, Bl 180A, Sc B, Ap 25, Ploiesti – România
Tel: +40721729578

'INTERFERENTE'portelan glazurat 10,10,22cm INTERFERENCES glazed porcelain 10,10,22cm

INTERFERENTE-portelan-glazurat-10x10x22 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Ceramista ploieşteancă Lucreţia Milea ne propune o suită de moduli ingenios concepuţi pentru o plurifuncţionalitate atât de necesară vieţii moderne ….. , euritmia lor clară, egală – dar nu obositoare – duce gândul spre ziguratele antichităţii, turnurile lanternă sau donjonul romanic ori spre machetele arhitectonice ale unor civilizaţii extraterestre

Lucretia Milea, a ceramist from Ploiesti, exposes to us a series of modules, ingeniously conceived for a multifunctionality so necessary to the modern life ….. , their clear, equal but not tiring eurhythmy, make us think about the pyramids in steps from the ancient times, the lantern towers, the romanic donjon or about the architectonic scale models belonging to some alien civilization.

Adrian – Silvan Ionescu
Arta – Nr.3/1989

website link:,


Milea Lucreția
Milea Lucreția
Adresa: Str. Cosminele, nr. 11, Bl 180A, Sc B, Ap 25, Ploiesti – România
Tel: +40721729578

'INTERFERENTE'portelan glazurat 10,10,22cm INTERFERENCES glazed porcelain 10,10,22cm

INTERFERENCES-glazed-porcelain-10x10x22 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

….. Lucretia Milea passes in the field of the loquacious ways of expression full of sculptural force and stateliness even if for the moment she refuses herself this hybrid, this newly come product in the agora assembly – the ceramic sculpture – which proposes in a daring and inventive way not only unwanted materials and technologies but also an expressive vision which has been unrestrictedly assimilated by the town environment of this end of the century…..

Ecoul – Nr. 4, 16 martie 1990

website link:,
