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UAP | 22/12/2024

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[:ro]Nistor Georgeta[:en]Nistor Georgeta[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Nistor Georgeta
Adresa: Str. Dr. Iuliu Teodori nr.16 sect. 5, Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40748.034.954
web: ,



Prezentare Demers Artistic

Munca in cei 32 de ani de scenografie de televiziune a fost un efort continuu de creatie, concretizat prin schite artistice si proectarea tehnica a peste 800 de decoruri.
De la decorurile permanente pentru talk-showuri pana la decorurile pentru marile spectacole de divertisment, care au culminat cu cele trei editii ale festivalului international de muzica „Cerbul de aur”, de la Brasov si cu cele cinci editii ale selectiei nationale Eurovision, la care am lucrat, toate au marcat un puternic stil personal.
Caracteristica lui au fost o compozitie foarte echilibrata, o cromatica bogata si rafinata, punand in evidenta multiple unghiuri si incadraturi, specific unui spatiul de televiziune, bine stapanit,
In toate spatiile complexe create, am construit elemente artistice particulare, de decor, de mobilier, cu proportii perfect incadrate intr-un tot ce reprezenta o ambianta puternic personalizata-migrand cu usurinta de la detaliul de epoca la simplitatea, abstractizarea si sugestia modernitatii.
O performanata de consemnat a fost valorificarea spatiului ingrat din studiourile mici, care au capatat alura unor spatii mult mai generoase, in numeroase decoruri.
Deasemeni, am realizat costumele la piesele teatrului de televiziune sau pentru Revelioanele, de sub bagheta marelui umorist si om de televiziune, Dan Mihaescu-momente de referinta pentru filmografia nationala.

Georgeta Nistor

website link


Nistor Georgeta
Adresa: Str. Dr. Iuliu Teodori nr.16 sect. 5, Bucureşti – România
Tel: +40748.034.954
web: ,



Prezentare Demers Artistic

Work in the 32 years of television cinematography has been an ongoing effort to creation, materialized in drawings artistic and technical design sketches of over 800 theatrical sets.
• From permanent blends to talk shows up to blends for the great entertainment shows, which have culminated in the three editions of the international music festival „GOLDEN STAG” , at Brasov, the five editions of national selection of EUROVISION CONTEST, that I was working, all these have marked a strong personal style.
• Feature have been very balanced composition, a rich color gamut and refined, and emphasize multiple angles and framings, specific to a space of television, well manageable.
• In all complex spaces created, I have built private artistic elements, decoration, furniture, with proportions perfectly framed in a everything that represent a strong personalized ambient-instructive easily from the detail of the era to simplicity, suggestion and abstractedness modernity.
A performance to be included has been regrouping space an ingrate of small studios, which acquired allure of much more space, in many sets.
• Also, we have made the suits at theater parts of television or for New Eve”s shows beneath the wand of the great humorist and television personality, Dan Mihaescu-moments of reference for national filmography
Georgeta Nistor

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