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UAP | 04/02/2025

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[:ro]Nueleanu Bogdan Constantin[:en]Nueleanu Bogdan Constantin[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Nueleanu Bogdan Constantin
Nueleanu Bogdan Constantin
Adresa: Str. Marte Nr 68, Dumbravita, Jud. Timis – România
Tel: +40
web: ,

Fluid metalic  II  - Inox, 33206 cm - Metallic fluid II - Stainless steel - 33206 cm


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Seria de lucrari ale tanarului plastician Bogdan Nueleanu, se inscrie fara doar si poate
in noul val al prospectarilor creative ce sondeaza sursa filoanelor ancestrale pierdute in evanescenta lume arhetipala. Volume dantelate, compuneri structurate aparent haotic dezvolta la o mai atenta contemplare complexitati cognitive explicite, asemenea unor texte absconse, cand filigran suave, cand devenind brutal sabii curbate oniric intr-un tumult sonor inghetat. Simti dansul surd al metalului Brut camuflat de gestualitatea nonsalanta a ruginii ce descompune materia, demers ideatic ce conduce spre implacabila temporalitate devoratoare, invaziva, ce consuma forma, rotunjeste muchia si anuleaza varful.
Coercitia conceptuala se citeste venind dinspre arhetipul axial copac-stalp-axa, emerge larg spre zbor-sageata-sabie-sulita-raza. Atingerile interferente dintre mostenirile condensatului mitologic pitagoreic cu valentele traditiilor pentateuhului mozaic compun filonul sincretismului interferent din si prin care subzista ambianta corpusului stilistic al tanarului autor ce migreaza elegant dinspre tehnicile manuirii cromatismului pictural spre evadarea in volumetrie.
Cautarile sale pe taramul poeticii spatiale denota siguranta, curaj, dublate de elanul specific cautatorului serios ce nu se lasa amagit de facila urmare a formalismului obtuz caracteristic sculpturii scolastice al edulcoratelor si perimatelor situari in stilizarea desueta ci ataca virulent, provocator, aducand privitorului sansa unui demers cognitiv spre sursele profunde, aproape de obarsia pre-arhetipala din preajma logosului misterios, insondabil.
Discursul plastic ales de Bogdan Nueleanu il situeaza in preajma gestualismului de tip geacometian la confluenta diafana dintre exprimarea brutala, masculina, si mesajul ce transpare curat adanc si clarificator aducand cu sine explicitatea condensata a traseelor simbolice primare. Alaturi de zbor, eshatologia bronzului aur, cuplul adamic, copacul cunoasterii, arsenalul plasticii cu iz constructivist pe alocuri, coaguleaza tematici unitare ce dau consistenta strategiei de seductie prin spatialitate, a imuabilei geneze formale vis-a-vis de codurile formei primare apartinand polisemantismului arhetipal.

Dr. Gabriel Kelemen
Timisoara 2011

website link: ,


Nueleanu Bogdan Constantin
Nueleanu Bogdan Constantin
Adresa: Str. Marte Nr 68, Dumbravita, Jud. Timis – România
Tel: +40
web: ,

Fluid metalic  II  - Inox, 33206 cm - Metallic fluid II - Stainless steel - 33206 cm


Prezentare Demers Artistic


The series of works by young plastic artist Bogdan Nueleanu, enroll undoubtedly
the new wave of creative exploration which source probes ancient veins evanescence lost in archetypal world. Volume laced, seemingly chaotically structured compositions develop a closer contemplation explicit cognitive complexity, such abstruse texts when suave watermark when making curved swords brutal dream into a tumult frozen sound. Feel the roar of the metal dance  camouflaged of rust nonchalance gestuality that decompose matter, conceptual approach leads to relentless temporality consuming, invasive, consuming shape, rounded edge and cancels the top  .
Coercion conceptual archetype reads coming from tree-pole-axis, emerge to flight-arrow-sword-spear-ray. Interference of condensate mythological heritage touch with valences Pythagorean tradition Pentateuch composed vein mosaic syncretism which subsist interference and ambient stylistic corpus elegant of young author that migrate from maneuvering chromatic pictorial techniques to escape in volumes.
Searches denotes its spatial poetic security realm, courage, coupled with specific momentum serious seeker not leave easy prey to the typical result of blunt sculpture scholastic formalism of sweet and stale location in styling obsolete but virulent attack, challenging, bringing the viewer the chance of an approach to profound cognitive sources close to the pre-archetypal origins of mysterious logos around, unfathomable.
Plastic speech chosen by Bogdan Nueleanu it ranks near the confluence of geacometian gestualism diaphanous type of expression brutal, masculine, and the message that transpires deep clean and clarifying bringing with condensed explicit primary symbolic routes. Along with flying golden bronze eschatology, the couple Adam, the tree of knowledge, fine arts arsenal constructivist flavor sometimes, coagulates unit topics that give consistent strategy of seduction by spaciousness, the immutable formal genesis vis-a-vis the codes belonging polysemy of primary archetypal .

Dr. Gabriel Kelemen
Timisoara 2011

website link: ,
