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UAP | 24/02/2025

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[:ro]Stănciulescu Elisabeta[:en]Stănciulescu Elisabeta[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Elisabeta Stanciulescu
Stănciulescu Elisabeta
Adresa: Malul Vadului 969, Cornu, Ploiesti – România
Tel: +40745.595.320



Prezentare Demers Artistic

Nascuta in 1950 la Campina, Romania, Elisabeta Stanciulescu a absolvit Institutul de Arte Plastice “Nicolae Grigorescu” din Bucuresti.

“Unitate in diversitate ar fi o definitie potrivita picturilor artistei. Arta sa este una de colaborare, de constructie, de montare a secventelor unui film nemaivazut vreodata, in care te poti regasi, daca ai rabdarea si curajul sa accepti ca azi nu mai esti cel de ieri, iar maine n-o sa mai fi cel de azi. Pliind metafora de astfel de secvente, Elisabeta Stanciulescu depresureaza universul de nimicuri si ni-l releva, fara ostentatie, in structuri uimitoare.” – Serghie Bucur – cronicar de arta, jurnalist, istoric

“Lucrarile insumeaza cautarile artistei, introspectii nu de natura metodologica ci, mai degraba, de asumare a unei libertati creative in fata panzei albe prin transpunerea in culoare a unui univers senzorial complex. Pe langa puternicul impact vizual dat de culoare, linia, ca element structural al viziunii, devine al doilea leit-motiv compozitional. Dreapta, contorsionata, abia schitata sau accentuata prin zgariere pana la senzatia de relief, ea creeaza spatiile, formele si jocul atat de necesar umbrei si luminii prin care artista isi dezvaluie intentiile sufletesti.” – Dan Radulescu – istoric de arta

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Elisabeta Stanciulescu
Stănciulescu Elisabeta
Adresa: Malul Vadului 969, Cornu, Ploiesti – România
Tel: +40745.595.320



Prezentare Demers Artistic

Born in 1950 in Campina, Romania, Elisabeta Stanciulescu graduated the Institute of Fine Arts „Nicolae Grigorescu”, Bucharest.

„Unity in diversity could be an appropriate definition of the artist’s paintings. It is a collaborative art, a construction, an edit of sequences never before seen. Everything like a movie in which you may find yourself, if having the patience and courage to accept that you are no longer like yesterday, and and tomorrow you will be different than today. Reavaling metaphors for such sequences, Elisabeta Stanciulescu releases the universe from nothingness and she shows it without ostentation, in amazing structures.” – Serghie Bucur – art critic, journalist, historian

„The work summarizes the artist’s search, the insights that are not about any kind of methodology, but rather about taking her creative instinct and liberty in front of a white canvas and transfer a complex sensorial universe through color on it. Alongside the strong color visual impact, the line is a leit-motif, like a structural element of the artist’s vision. Straight, twisted, barely drawn or screched undeline smooth like an emose feeling, the line creates spaces, shapes and that so much needed game of shadow and light that reveals the artistc soul’s wishes.” – Dan Radulescu – art historian

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