[:ro]Takacs Mihai[:en]Takacs Mihai[:]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Mihai TAKACS este un artist complex, cu un deosebit simt al culorii si un spirit de observatie calat pe detaliile care dau conturul spectaculos al vieții urbane. Pictorul, sculptorul,cronicar al freamatului citadin, dimensiunea europeană a lui Mihai Takacs nu se reflecta numai in lucrările realizate in metropolele europene si expozitiile de la galeriile de arta din vestul continentului,ci si in stilul elevat in care talmaceste prin opera sa personalitatea cosmopolita a vectorilor de imagine ai Bătrânului Continent.
Andrei Ando
website link www.mihaitakacs.com[:en]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Mihai Takacs is a complex artist possessing a special sensitivity to color and a fine sense of the details that reflect the spectacular shape of urban life.
European dimension of the painter,sculptor and the chronicler of the city sough, Mihai Takacs, is reflected not only in the artworks, designed in European cities, or in exibitions at art galleries in the west part of the continent, but also in the unique style that he shows through his artworks the cosmopolitan characteristic of the Old continent.
Andrei Ando
website link www.mihaitakacs.com[:]
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