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UAP | 11/03/2025

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[:ro]Tănăsache Constantin[:en]Tănăsache Constantin[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Tănăsache Constantin
Adresa: Str. Proiectantului nr.5 sc.C,ap.7 – Bacău – România
Tel: +40234.556.318, +40723.205.514


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Pictorul Constantin Tanasache are un potential imaginativ remarcabil chiar daca deocamdata se mentine in proximitatea unor solutii care sa-i permita accesul mai direct la esentele unei arhitecturi a spiritului. Imagineaza semnele trecutului le confera un aer de noblete si continua sa reflecteze cu mijloacele picturii asupra sensurilor artei.
Totodata reflecteaza si la modul cum un limbaj poate comunica in planul sugestivitatii si al simbolurilor.
Arcada -de pilda prin relatiile cu acest element, poate sugera cerul ca bolta divina, arcaturile bisericilor si cupolele acestora,cursele angulare ale ferestrelor gotice ,trimit dintr-un areal imaginativ in altul dintr-un spatiu real in altul.
Relatia concret – simbolic are un potential de interpretare imens.
Pictorul are comentarii pertinente pe subiect si concomitent , capacitatea de a sugera dezvoltari posibile.Pictura lui se apropie de esenta semantica a unui semn si de posibilitatea de a fi modern lucrand cu materialul trecutului….
Valentin Ciuca

website link , [:en]

Tănăsache Constantin
Adresa: Str. Proiectantului nr.5 sc.C,ap.7 – Bacău – România
Tel: +40234.556.318, +40723.205.514


Prezentare Demers Artistic

The painter Constantin Tanasache has a remarkable imaginative potential, even if, yet remains in the proximity of solutions that are allowing him a more direct acces to the essentials of a mind architecture.He imagines the sings of the past he grants an air of nobility and continues to reflect using art’s set of tools on art’s meanings.
He also reflects on how language can communicate in a suggestive and symbolic plan.
For example the arcade , through the relationship with this item,it may suggest the sky as divine dome ,arches and domes of the churches angular contours of the gothic windows,sending from an imaginative area to another from a real space into another.
The concrete-symbolic relationship has a huge potential for interpretation.The painter has relevant comments on the subject and in the same time ,the ability to suggest possible developements,this painting is close to the semantic core of a sign and the possibility of being modern by working with material from the past….
Valentin Ciuca

website link , [:]