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UAP | 11/02/2025

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[:ro]Ţibacov Leontin[:en]Ţibacov Leontin[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Ţibacov Leontin
Adresa: Str. Gheorghe Doja, nr. 10
atelier / studio, Str. George Coşbuc, nr. 11 – Alba Iulia – România
Tel: +40722.395.758; +40258.818.842

Efectul de pironire

Efectul de pironire

Prezentare Demers Artistic
De asta data, performanta sa reabiliteaza vocatia de sculptor si „instalationist” a ceramistului Leontin Tibacov.
Compozitiile sale exploreaza teritoriile arhetipale ale formelor, si resusciteaza modelele si esoterismul insemnelor antropomorfe, aflate in proximitatea mediilor domestice rurale, incremenite, dramatic sau nostalgic, in ancestralitate.
Corneliu Antim

website link[:en]

Ţibacov Leontin
Adresa: Str. Gheorghe Doja, nr. 10
atelier / studio, Str. George Coşbuc, nr. 11 – Alba Iulia – România
Tel: +40722.395.758; +40258.818.842

Efectul de pironire

Spike Effect

Prezentare Demers Artistic
The objective materials and symbols are almost minimalist (the nail, representing the crucifixion, as well as the wood symbolizing the carpenter) but superbly combined with elements of modern fantasy (represented by the porcelain socks attached to on old door). Visual allegory and metaphor are the elements that make Leontin Tibacov’s sculptural universe fascinating and atmospheric.
Corneliu Antim

website link[:]